I need help with a bent axle

DIY does offer greater options. I’m using a 16mm high strength steel rod currently for my axle after failure with an 8mm one. Not saying it’s the best option, but I doubt it will ever break. Just need larger bearings and custom wheels. At the moment, a lot of the current DIY stuff is focused on accommodating as many large manufacturers as possible. But as the custom market grows, particularly on this site, you’ll see some real quality manufacturers making small batches of great components.

I weigh 230 lbs and it’s the sudden impacts of unexpected potholes and poor concrete joints that bent several smaller axles and made me rethink using an axle sized for the traditional skateboard. Falling at 30 mph is surprisingly painful :smile:

Sell it to @ApproachCautiously

From what I’ve heard, you won’t regret it… still waiting for a good use case to come up for me to grab my own set of those beauties :sweat_smile:

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I want hangers where the entire bulk of it is bent so it replicates a raked truck. Not a bent axle.

Could try the flipsky 13.75"… they’re 10mm. Probably would fit the meepo baseplates.

Im not sure what 3dservesas makes my gear drive trucks out of, in full gear im 225lbs, my board weighs 45 lbs, i have tomiboi spring clamp bindings,i have had to bunny hop rocks a few times. my board IS NOT a jumping board,but i want to live so when im faced with an 8" rock i cant avoid,i take flight and hope for the best. Landing is always stressfull, but so far my trucks are still good .
I am good at ollies on an analog board,but lofting “underfoot” (my board and first dogs name)is totaly diffrent,some day im going to face plant. i try to drive my route in my cage before the ride to clear rocks. good luck

Post pics/impressions, I try to shill for small builder/makers if you get good service and good product, talk about it to the forum. I always hope my shilling will drive sales to small makers,it elavates the entire activity and its free