I need help. Tried to update firmware on Dual FocBoxs. Now nothing works.

Seems like it worked. Does it boot up and are both blue and green lights on?

That red error is always there when updating firmware - just means that the VESC rebooted so it lost connection (poor error handling on the program)

I don’t think it worked. When I plug the USB Cable into the non-working FocBox, I still cannot get it to connect.

Here is the screenshot when I connect the USB Cable to the non-working FocBox:

Been a while since I’ve tried the VESC to VESC SWD programming method (a $10 st-link is way easier), but I think you just updated the firmware on the good Focbox. Don’t you need to be in the SWD programming section?

I upgraded the FW on the good FocBox, while at the same time the SWD wires (OID, GND, and CLK) were jumped to the non-working FocBox.

After the FW is flashed to the good FocBox, shouldn’t this fix the non-working FocBox? (So that I can connect the USB Cable to the previously non-working FocBox and it will work?)

If I can’t get this to work, I’ll just get a new ESC. Is the MakerX DV4S any good for a 10S5P Lacroix battery pack?

Worst case, I have a stack of foc boxes that I could sell one to you.

No, in the video you go into the SWD programming section of the VESC tool and program it that way (with all the SWD wires connected).

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Wait you’re in the firmware tab. You need to be in the SWD tab of vesc tool.


Ah ha!! I see where I was going wrong. I didn’t realize there was a separate FW Section in the VESC Tool for the SWD.

But now, I have a whole new problem: The non-working FocBox used to light-up with the blue light. But now, the blue light isn’t even working. I double checked the power connection, and even switched the power with the working FoxBox - but still no blue light.

Is it dead? Or what do I do now?

I think I was so close to fixing this a couple of hours ago. I just didn’t realize I was flashing the working FocBox (in the FW page) instead of correctly flashing the non-working FocBox (in the SWD page).

But now I have no blue light. Any ideas?

One thing is for sure, I am learning a lot (the hard way).

After reading about this last night. I think I attached the CANBUS Wire at the wrong time. Now the non-working FocBox isn’t working at all.

This is a nightmare.


i think focbox 1.7 has the fix for that can bus thing? but if it’s a 1.6 maybe not.

Thanks! I decided I’m just going to take-out the old FocBoxs and get a new MakerX DV4S with bluetooth for the board. Hopefully, the installation will go smooth.

You might be able to give them to someone else once the new VESC arrives that way at least you’re not throwing them out.

I am not that person though; don’t make me deal with them :rofl:

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