I have a question about that guy we hate.

How he got the v6 version of the focbox is still something I haven’t made sense of yet, and strikes me as very interesting :thinking:


Closing this until we can review closely and clean up. It’s Saturday, everyone go have a skate!


No. But i will delete all your bullshit, including your account. We don’t want you here. You contribute nothing and spread hate with your careless and even toxic application of Christianity. You don’t even know what Christ was about. The man flipped tables in churches over bad applications of religion. He had the establishment so scared of his radical reform, reform entailing ACCEPTANCE and LOVE and HELPING PEOPLE that were oppressed by the wealthy and religious zealots, that the romans killed him like a common thief rather than have to put up with the established religious leaders complaining and swinging their dicks around. I’m a fucking atheist and I have more appreciation for Christ and what he was trying to accomplish than you seem to. There is nothing more evil than assholes leveraging religion for power and oppression. Fuck religion. It was designed from the beginning to keep the poor from killing the rich at a time when the rich were exploiting the poor, and they still are, and it still functions that way. So fuck you and fuck your bigotry and fuck your alt history, and most especially, fuck your twisted application of a belief system that a man died while trying to bring us. He was killed trying to stop people from doing exactly what you are doing.


I for one would like to continue tis conversation about Potter. I think its highly relevant, and cathartic for a lot of people. Some people lost thousands upon thousands of dollars due to his shenanigans. Many more people lost hundreds. He still owes me $116 for raptor repairs from 2016, which is a trivial amount that I only bring up to make light of things, but it does add to the pattern. It goes back much further than unities or what have you, and for some of us that actually have been here since the beginning of Enertion, those of us who built the builders forum from nothing using only our blood, time, money on parts, and ambition to make esk8s better than 5th scale cars on a stick, actually have a hollow and twisted space inside us now because Potter brought us into this passion and then went totally insane. Like the awesome fun uncle that slowly develops dementia and now he’s just in the corner drooling and screaming and nobody wants to be around him.

It hurts. I am eternally grateful to him for inviting me into the builder’s forum to start it. I was the third to join. I built boards with his batteries and drive systems, i worked on raptors, i must have sold five hundred focboxes, I talked to him at least once a week for a while.

Then he went completely insane, declared war on me, declared war on our community’s vendors, and basically dropped the entire community into my lap at a time when i was just trying to do some reviews and share what I’ve learned. Its been fucking wild the last few years, seriously, I can’t even.

So yeah. I mopped up the leon bullshit so let’s continue with the group therapy.

update: Leon has been suspended forever. Yes, forever is an option.


buys a Tenka


puts it in a Onewheel




Hey Leon look at my profile picture, it smells bad


Where’s the part about the black hole forming?

Oh the discussions that took place about you :joy::joy::joy:

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