Hoyt Puck Shells- Which one to choose?


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Printed in mfg too iirc.

Oh its lefty flipped tho

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By the by, I have one of them I’m guessing sls printed PPB for sale.
I once used it as a slide puck (unintentionally) and it has barely no scratches.
Located in Germany.

What’s the manufacturing process for something like this? Is the rubberized coating SLS printed or some sort of spray?

looks like olasti dip

A Nuckees phone grip is the ultimate boss of puck ergonomics, no :billed_cap:

To mount:

Use a quality double sided tape, the thick red peel off stuff works great - but anything with a bit of thickness to it.
Use mostly non-viscous superglue down in the deepest cracks of the gap between the Knuckees & puck case (or, try heat forming the knuckees base to your puck? I have yet to try & think it may damage the reel mechanism)
Then finish off the largest gap with high temp hot glue.

For small handed people, I’ve yet to run into a better puck retention option. It also happens to work with larger handed people.

A very hard crash/slide will likely break the cord, but I think you’d still be holding the put getting up from the crash. I cannot say the same for a simple wrist based retention lanyard.