Hoyt Puck Issues

I was beaten a lot as a kid, by nature im a very kind person, i tend to get more tough guy when i think others are being bullied,or if im feeling like that little kid, then rember,im not that little kid any more. I never got to be a kid so in some ways i can be very immature. I needed the constructive criticism, you used my own words against me from a previous post OUCH!

If you thought to correct my behaviour,you certinaly werent the only person thinking that. I keep mentioning it to keep my self in check. @zero_ads said he didnt think id get anyone to actuly meet me, i didnt really want(il like to be able to spell too) to have to do that, i would,then i would be mad at my self. What i wanted was for members not to bully other members.

Thanks for the kind words and patience . Im old, not mature .


Has your issue been resolved?

Sadly, no. I went for a ride a little over a week ago with new internals, and experienced the same problems. Not sure what to make of it yet. I haven’t ridden since. Partially because I’m frustrated, but more because I’m busy, and it’s too hot out currently.

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So you now had a new battery as well as the whole internal pcb replaced but it still drains down to a red light very quickly?

Bought a replacement receiver with order number H#3372. i can also send a log of the conversation with support if you want. The puck was bought 2nd hand but i got new internals for it. as for how the receiver was treated im not totally sure before i bought it.

My puck got stolen though so as of now i dont have any use for the reciever sadly.