Hoyt Puck Connection

Does anyone know how to hookup a Hoyt Puck controller to the Trampa VESC PPM connector? Receiver comes with 3 pin flat black connector, (forgive me don’t what that connector is called). I think I need a jumper from that connector to 2.0 mm PH JST connector? Does a jumper like that exist?

If I made my own, looks like Hoyt receiver has a four pin connector on the board labeled:
pin 1, (from left), C7, pin2, CH, pin 3, no connection, and pin 4, GND. Wondering if this may coincide with PPM connector, which is GRN, 5V, and SERVO respectively.

I read on here some use the Puck, so if any of you know what may work here, really would appreciate help!

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White to servo, red to 5V, black to ground…I would have expected the adapter to be included with the VESC but you can easily make one, I’ve got one lying around if you’re in the States


Thanks! I was thinking that it may be that way. I sure like to check though. Trampa didn’t send a PPM cable. I bought a dongle but it’s different. They should send one as much as you have to pay for those darn things. Lol!
I’m this far along making my own. Just have to cut and solder those connectors from the JST wires to the black connector, red, white and black wires, then plug 'em back in. Should work. Tedious job but I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the offer. Sure may take you up on that cable. I am in the states. South of Houston TX. Thanks again.

I got this complete wiring harness of WTF assembly when I bought a used puck…


Looks like that would work. I hope it’s as simple as rewiring it. Just bought the Puck and trying to get it hooked up without smoke. Hope it’s going to work ok.

F that… I do what you’re already doing… can you see how many splices that wires set has???


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Well, yea, I will. Does have some extra splices!

less than 6" of wire and 9 wire splices… i feel that’s excessive…


I actually just did this myself like 5 days ago. I just chopped off the Hoyt connector and spliced a 2mm pitch jst connector cable I bought on amazon. Super easy and less connectors means less failure points, but if you don’t wanna mess with the hoyt receiver it makes sense to make an adapter.

Thanks @entropy for the advice. Apologize for the late response to ya, been out of town. I did finally solder up a cable from the two cables. Those little pins are heck to crimp and solder, but I got it. Appreciate your help.

You can buy these:

Could i cut into the white/red/black wire of the receiver to extend it by a few inches? pretty short when needing to route around stuff


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