Dear friends,
some weeks ago I got a 12s4p battery delivered from eBooosted Peru.
It is designed for the “LY evo SS” case.
Due to some unknown accident, one of the p-groups and the BMS died and I had to service the battery.
I did contact Alan(@eBoosted) and told him my findings.
We confirmed together that group nr “5” is no more working and has to be exchanged.
Two weeks later, the repair kit arrived.
Alan did a great job in assembling the replacement parts.
He send me everything that is needed to replace one group.
I opened the heatshrink and marked the dead group:
Then I measured the voltages of the individual groups:
I soldered a charge wire to each group one after another, and charged them all to the same voltage:
Desoldering the mains and balance wire from the group:
Cut the Fishpaper to remove the group (no hot glue or desoldering at this point)
Installing the replacement goup:
Soldering the Mains:
Add some Fish to isolate my inperfect soldering (so it doesnt cut the new heatshrink by accident):
Finished Backside:
Last Step was to replace the 13-Wire Balancer Connector. Dont have any pictures from that, but it was a pretty straight forward soldering job.
Thanks @eBoosted for this great repair kit and the service-friendly battery design!
It was easy to do and looks perfectly smooth. like nothing happend