This was a whole rollercoaster, damn that was painful to look at.
Whoa! thanks for the backstory - and sharing the pain. “RAGE MODE on” - I feel it!
#fuckboa #fuckshitcunts
any tricks on getting the bearing out of the pulley?
There should be 3 bearings. Two inside the wheel, and one in the pulley.
I personally measure how long the spacer needs to be by installing the pulley without the bearing and measuring to the wheel bearings. Err on the “slightly shorter” side, otherwise it will clunk around while you’re riding.
I understand there needs to be 3 bearings now, but what goes in between the pulley bearing and the back wheel bearing? Sorry to keep asking just trying to understand.
I use literally whatever metal pieces I can find. There are a few spacers that come with the pulley. Skateboard speed washers are ~1mm thick. If you take apart old bearings, the inner races are 7mm.
I find a combination of stuff that’s as close to my measurement as possible without going over, and use it.
Gotcha, thank you very much!!