How to list messages by user?

One problem I often struggle with on this forum is that I am unable to find my private conversations with a particular user. I usually end up scrolling through my endless private conversations listing looking for the correct avatar. It’s tedious and annoying. Is there a better way?

Put their name on the search bar and select to only look in messages, then scroll down

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Nice! I have tried that but only without the @ and that doesn’t work. This is a lifesaver. Thanks a bunch!


No problem my dude, happy searching! The @user works for everything


For anyone else reading,

If you reply to a post with a pm, TITLE IT SOMETHING LOGICAL FFS.

Raise your hand if you have a billion pms titled “RE: BLAH BLAH”



i have too many

RE: :framed_picture: Pictures and Nothing Else!

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