How fast have you gone?

adrenalin does the trick for me anyways


Didnā€™t want to reply to this. Clocked at 57mph analog, 51mph esk8. Itā€™s somewhere in my logs, donā€™t care to prove it. Iā€™ve decided to cap out around 45 max these days, and mostly 35 and under.


All joking aside, i rarely exceed 25. 30 is my max, its not impressive. Most of the time i keep it around 20.

My son on the other hand took our Thorium X4 up to 41 on abecs.


42 km/h (26 mph) that was my 33ā€ board on a downhill, and also 42 on the Hummie build

I keept all my boards limited to 33 to 38, so that speed was pure gravity powered

Not a speed fan, and never pushed the hummie deck, also my gearing is fairly aggressive, so even without the limit the wouldnā€™t go much faster


Doubt Iā€™ve broken 20 MPH on Eskate.

But Iā€™ve broken 40 on my old board likeā€¦ probably 8 years ago.
Some people find that addicting, but I was fine leaving it at that.

Luge Iā€™m much more comfortable going fast on, thats just plain fun. You hit 25 on runs where standing youā€™d only be going 15 or less. If I had leathers I might be inclined to push past 40 on that even today.
But luge isnā€™t something I routinely pull out, maybe 3-4 times a year.
The luge I ride has broken 100, but not by me.

Iā€™d take luge out a TON more if I made it electric. Theyā€™re already doomed to be heavy and awkward.
and powering it would provide a way to get it up the hill, as well as a way to brake without literally burning through a pair of shoes.


Thats me now. The evo originally did 40 plus. I clocked it on the gps on a slight downhill with a run up at 46mph. Since geared it down to 35 max. I can not help myself so took the temptation away. Also mostly I ride in a pair of speedos to catch rays while I skate and scars are so 2015.


I have the lamest answer ever. I got a new phone and didnt carry over the metr Tele. Working all day today to finish board and go fast. :grimacing::man_shrugging:


Iā€™ve clocked 43mph on my EUCand 44mph on my eskate. With DKPS :wink: I would love to push nore on my EUC but scared of overpushing it and my trucks are too loose to push past 40mph on my board


What parts you using?

I ride very casually, generally average like 18mph. I donā€™t ride to get anywhere and Iā€™m mostly alone and donā€™t feel the need to impress any of my peers.

However, when I first built my hummie I rode it for a month on 107s and it was great, could really judge my speed from the feedback of the road. Then I put pneumatics on it and went out for my first ride, it was like floating on a cloud. Only when I stopped to get a drink did I realise Iā€™d clocked 32mph going up a hill. It felt like 20!

I switch between thane and rubber all the time and I love the feeling of the thane and want to use it all the time but itā€™s certainly less practical than air.


Thatā€™s been my experience too. Since i droped the e-calls and boas for the haggy drive system on kahuas and bergs its been generally a lot faster when i do decide to push my comfort envelope


25mph, because thatā€™s what my build is geared to and easily achieves? I donā€™t have long distances to go, so no real need for speed. I like my acceleration though!

Oh, and no metr logs because I have stupid ESCs, and no GPS proof, because I prefer not operating other equipment in the same RF band when esk8ing.


Fastest speed attained, swiftly followed by fastest speed crashed



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It still ows, I had to lie to the Physio and learn how to sleep on my right side.

Still worth it, for just a second you get to fly


You know if you kept your finger on the throttle, maybe a remount would have been possible?


I once came in like 25 seconds.

Oops different fast.


Current with reverse? youā€™re just not trying


I wonder what this feels like. :frowning:


This is fast?? Damnitā€¦