how do i wire a charge only bms with no CH- port

hey guys, i am about to wire my first bms onto a 14s nese module 26650 LifePo4 battery. i was planning to wire it charge only like this…

but i got my bms today and found it had no CH- port. However I read twice by @b264 in previous forum discussions that you just treat the P- as the CH- if you want to do charge only. I’m basically answering my own question but since this whole battery project has been months in the making I really want to be careful and get it right the first time so I don’t fry my bms or worse. Anywho, if I erase the CH- in my drawing and write P- does everything look right? :pray: guys

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This, except put a fuse inline with the charge port. On red or black doesn’t matter. Some folks say red is better but I usually put it on black.

nice. yeah I think im good to go. Ill put the fuse on black unless i hear otherwise… thanks