How do I downgrade the ackmaniac tool

I have downloaded the zip file I found and believe it’s 3.103, which doesn’t allow all the features of the xmatic app to work, can someone tell me how to get the 3.102 firmware onto my ackmaniac tool please?

If you’ll rebounds me tomorrow I’ll post it for you. I bet it’s in the Dropbox link though.

Edit:. It’s not in the Dropbox folder, but I’ll get it for you.

Sorry I’m dense, I’ve looked through the drop box files, might as well be Chinese to me. 我不会说中文

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I have mine saved in my PC. I really should utilize my Dropbox for my esk8 archive needs.

Here you go:

Click here.

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The link seems to be dead. Might you still have the file? that would save my day!
(Edit: I tried the linux executable that @b264 posted. I couldn’t get it to run on my system. Even tried to compile from source without sucess.)

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Here you go man.

Thank you for the link - It appears it wasn’t what I needed.
Because one of my esc sides is stuck on Ack 3.102 (neither FW nor Bootloader flash),
I need to downgrade the other side also to 3.102. Thus, I am trying to find that version of Ackmaniac :slight_smile: