How Do I Disassemble a Battery Pack?

I could not find a thread about this. I have built my own pack using a MOT and it works great, but I want to redo it and make it more safe for vibrations and stuff.
The pack is a 10s7p two layers of cells stacked.
How do I do it without shorting it and burning my fingers (again) ? AND is it worth it or will it be a pain in the ass to reuse the cells?
Many regards


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How old are the cells? How many cycles have the gone through?

You could do it, but depending on your welds you may have to clean up the tops and bottoms of the cells with a dremel.

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I did 4p to 6p upgrade recently, cells were more than 1 year old. Since you won’t add new cells, you won’t have to take care if they are at the same voltage level. You can cut nickel between groups with scissors.
Use some pliers to rip nickel from cells (take care so you won’t damage wrap on positive side and short battery with pliers - ask me how I know😅) and then remove remaining welded nickel pieces with some flat shears like Plato 170. After that use dremel to make cell ends totally flat. Now your cells should be flat again and you can weld on them. It is really not so hard or dangerous work, just take care you don’t short anything and you are good.


A dremel with the cutting disc works well for separating the p groups

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You can short the pos/neg until the entire inferno drops all the venting fire spitting cells to the floor, at which time you round and round the room yelling

Or not


I use a pair of flush cutting pliers, small ones, but you have to be careful, very easy to short positive to negative.

i just did this and ended up putting insulating tape on the underside of the cutters