How can I make my board more comfortable?

A teaspoon of cement sprinkled on your weet bix every morning for a week will do wonders.


Good shoes do wonders for comfort. If you have a few different styles of shoe, take a ride in then all and see what I mean. Different sole angles and features can impact your ride a lot and everyone’s foot is built a bit differently. Padded or gel insoles also do wonders,

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In industry in the UK we have something called HAVS (hand arm vibration something or other) it’s a regulation designed to prevent damage to the small blood vessels in the hand causing ‘vibration white finger’
I wonder if this is going to become an issue with esk8ers but in our feet?

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this works for me very well. buy a sheet of adhesive foam, and stick a sheet of grip tape out of it and go from there.

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Its an absolute motherfucker to remove


oh yeah, heat gun helps dramatically though

I doubt it. He’s probably just new to it and his feet will adapt. I’m 52 and esk8 barefoot. No numb feeling. Better proprioception.

My man :facepunch:

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Anatomy has something to do with it as well. I have high arches and if I don’t use inserts with arch support, I hurt after 20 miles. Same on the bike and snowboard.

Brave man, I won’t try it since I tore most of the sole from my feet trying to analog sk8 barefoot. I still get flashbacks of all the blood.