Hilariously sketchy DIY board (YouTube)

Must give him credit for making it work for less than any single component of our builds.
It does not serve the same purpose as our boards. It’s just a fun DIY project that gives you a toy to play with until you get bored of it.

Funny part is how his battery is worth well over half of all his components :joy:
this thing rather needs some banged up motorcycle SLA battery to complete the style.

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Oh shit, i found one 10 bucks cheaper
I almost like his method more then the one OP posted.


Thank you Bill, in recent times I’ve actually redirected my use of involuntary worker squirrels to pull other people on longboards to generate income in lieu of me holding a job.


Great, now what am I going to do with the 40 squirrel harnasses I just ordered?

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I wonder if he can put the drill in reverse to brake? I’m sure it would put too much force on the drill and destroy it.

Imagine seeing that going down the street. The kid lives in a nice neighborhood though. Looks cozy.

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the other big issue with squirrels is they bite - HARD!

been bitten a few times, once by my good squirrel friend Ozzie who hangs out in my kitchen regularly, my fault entirely, he is used to whole walnuts but I gave him a small bit and he mistook my finger for the walnut (due to the location of his eyes) and went straight down to the bone. The damage a squirrel enraged by recent enslavement could do is frightening! I would take my chances with Lipos over squirrel power any day - waaaay less risky


For a long time my cheap idea has been to just put your powered wheel on a stick.

So more like powered paddleboarding.

Could re-purpose an old weedeater, either gas or electric.


What, like a walking stick with a skateboard wheel? For really lazy old dudes? I like the idea though!

First thought of it for Luge.
You’ve got this big heavy steel street luge, its just such a pain to get uphill.

It would ride basically like a hamboard or something if you powered it uphill, and that would be kinda sweet. Then you could stash the power stick in or under the luge body somehow when riding back down.

I pictured it more as thing to get you up to the top of a hill rather than A to B usage like Eskate.

Like so?

Sell them to me.
Also, totally unrelated but i’m opening up a food cart with fresh mystery meat caught in the wild, sold in NYC.

Oh, so you could actually use one of these motorised sticks @CHAINMAILLEKID is talking about!

I’ll have a fresh surprise catch from a motorised stick food cart any day! Oh wait, do we want more viruses? Because that’s how you get viruses.

I got you all beat plywood deck with glue 20 v really drill bought for 20 dollars from craiglist 5 dollar truck and wheel set + glue 3d filament and screws under 35 :joy:

Idea: perfect 7/5
Execution: 1/10
Result: waste of perfectly good filament and plywood.


Is agree with that lol


That could be a interesting use for our old Foamies that are unsafe to ride.

do we include the cost of the board if it’s already made?

you are including it because it’s part of the build. Also that’s a reverse trike or a 3sk8
maybe these are skateboards idk


download (1)
also this one

it keeps going
I feel like Chris Chaput would like these last two.

also maybe @DavidF


I actually burst out laughing at this one. Dear lord.


At first I thought oh it has a DaveGA,


I would like to see the stance on that

You got beat to it…

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