HI200 75V 300A ESC Based on VESC 75300

Hello… I’m from UK a d I would like to purchase a controller with higher voltage… You have one in design… How long would it take for it to be finished.?
Kind regards

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150V200A is being designed.


If you need any help, we can set up crowd funding or donate!
Diy electric motorcycles need very powerful durable FOC based controller.! Sevcon gen4 can be a pain to set up and it’s really old and way too expensive.!

Please make sure it has an IMU :slight_smile:

Please :slight_smile:


You trying to auto-wheelie a MC?

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…must… …have… …IMU… :crazy_face:

(Or at least the unpopulated pads on the PCB to add one yourself, this adds no cost :smile: )

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Thank you for your great support!

The design based on VESC 100250 has been completed and is currently in the SMT stage.

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Can you please tell us more about specifications of this controller like ms max phase Amp’s, safe voltage, will it have 12V supply, Bluetooth etc

You welcome.!
This here is great project but it takes sooo long fir him to finish it… It’s now in beta testing phase…
Would love to get my hands on something like this.! https://vesc-project.com/node/1477

And the support…! If you can build a a good foc based controller for motorcycles… There are more then 10k people who would be interested in your product. Go and check out Electric motorcycle builds Facebook group…! We are building all sorts of electric motorcycle abd conversions from very cheap to a very high performance race bikes

Does it have an IMU?

I highly doubt it thst it will have imu. None of the vesc board had one as far as I know… And this here will be just another copy of official vesc 100250…There are external solutions teensy connected via can… I you go on to vesc forums you’ll find more info about that…

I was wrong… Vesc 6 mk3 has imu

To my knowledge, every Trampa brand VESC besides the VESC4.12 has an IMU

There’s no mention of it here . 100250 https://trampaboards.com/single-vesc-100v-250a-in-cnc-t6-silicone-sealed-aluminum-box--the-most-powerful-vedder-electronic-speed-controller-ever-p-28113.html

But new vesc 6 mk5 has it https://trampaboards.com/vesc-6-mkv-in-cnc-t6-silicone-sealed-aluminium-box-with-genuine-xt90-connectors--vedder-electronic-speed-controller-trampa-special-p-27536.html

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The Unity and SC have one IIRC.

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The Unity does not have an IMU, I’m not sure if the SC has one


tbh should have added that on the poonuity plus


site not in sight