HFi - A.S.S - V.S.S / Could someone explain?

First of all, I think we need some more categories when making threads… It always confuses me where to open new one regarding to electronics.

Anyhow, for me personally it’s really confusing to figure out where are we standing with sensorless start thing.

So, could someone make a “tldr” of current state of this feature. If i understood correctly hfi was a first version, then it become an A.S.S and now its rebranded to V.S.S.

What are the supported ESCs? Any recommendations regarding setup? What are minimum HW/SW requirements?

I think it would be beneficial if we could provide all the info in one place.


I haven’t had much hands-on experience with it, but I’ve had a little but here’s your TL;DR, from my understanding from reading threads it goes a bit like this:

  • HFI is a technology that gets the motors to spin at low RPM without positional information from sensors.
  • ASS is a VESC-based technology that can make the motors start spinning from a standstill using HFI and a temperature sensor
  • ASS was rebranded to VSS because ASS sounds like ass, and it’s VESC-based so Vedder Sensorless Startup was chosen.

I think only VESC6 HW supports it

You are wrong about the trampa thing. Plenty of escs will support it. 60D+ off the top of my head.

I fixed that part, do you know if I’m right about the rest?

It requires low pass filters on the hardware side I believe, on hardware without them it works like ass.
Tested on flipshit 6.6

From threads I’ve read

 - uses hfi beep to get initial position of the motor

 - low pass filters pretty much allow the sensor less algorithm to work at a very low rpm.

In combination in theory, you get the position of the motor at 0 speed and let sensor less algorithm to take over immediately, I think that’s why @Trampa once said full torque at 0 speed.


too late, i will forever think of ass as ass (V is just an upside down A :man_shrugging:)

i haven’t tried it yet, but i sure hope dat ass is smooth :smirk:


dat ASS has an annoying AF beep and is reportedly kinda shit compared to hall sensors.


i like the nyeeeeee of ass/hfi, specially when you tune it in
it can be loud or quiet to any rpm you set it to

tho i like the feeeeeeeeeeel of sensors a lil more


Yeah on hardware without the filter it’s just sensor less with beeps.

I’ve also noticed a tiny bleep sound when turning the board on, I think it was calibrating some values.

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So for example il ubox v1 Compatible?

that’s probably part of Safe Start, I’ve had that even when using sensors, not with every config though only when something’s weird or different to normal.

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Weird, when I switched back to 5.2 it disappears


@Trampa is extremely unclear and dodges almost any serious question, despite claiming that this is their product they sell. Any response is transformed through a Bullshit Kaleidoscope for marketing reasons.

Vedder is radio silent on every single matter in every single subject.

Call it whatever you want. Neither of them seem to care.


vedder likely has some information on his own website forum


I don’t think so.