Help with new board.

well it worked but it is so slow maybe the remote setting arent right, like 3-5mph

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You’re on a small single motor, so setup is super important. Have you gone through the motor detection wizard and input wizard yet? You still need to do this to get everything possible out of your board.

Let’s invite the king of single motor setups to weigh in: @b264

Have you set up this screen?


no just ran to walmart to grab a mini usb and doing it now…will update when complete

Make sure it’s a “data cable” because one designed for charging a phone will often not work as it only has two wires inside instead of four.

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If this is your first esk8, when programming your VESCs I recommend you start with semi conservative settings

Motor Max: 50a
Motor Min: -50a

Battery Max: 20a
Battery Min: -20a

Your 4.xx VESCs can (REASONABLY, lets not start this fight again :crazy_face:) handle up to 40a for Battery Max and Battery Min. Any more and you risk either blowing them up, or suffering from thermal throttling until it pretty much kills your experience. As for the Motor Max and Motor Min, thats dependent on your motors. I assume you have dual 6355 which should allow for you to set Motor max and Motor Min up to 70/-70, respectively.

If you are starting from the absolute beginning, watch a few videos like this:

Dont forget that lower/higher amp values for battery max directly correlate with voltage sag / what range you can achieve with the battery.

Additionally if youre using canbus to allow the vescs to talk to each other, that you NEVER unplug the canbus wires while the VESCs are on. If you do your VESCs will go poof. :boom:


:arrow_up: yes, this


looks like vesc tool is not identifying my vesc, also looks like the motor is running normally now, however its grinding back and forth like it doesnt know which way to spin

but if its spinning already there arent any problems

That’s normal unsensored behaviour.

But not connecting to the VESC Tool is a much bigger problem. What cable did you use?

i got it to work now, updated firmware so far

Make sure you click “Read Motor Settings” and “Read App Settings” on the right before changing ANYTHING.

Make sure you click “Write Motor Settings” and “Write App Settings” on the right after changing ANYTHING.

The user interface leaves a lot to be desired.

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Using FOC / HFI mode is recommended but it will take a while to set up.

Otherwise just go for BLDC unsensored.

currently following a video tutorial on setting it up through vesc app is that not what i should do?


You should definitely do that.

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after writing the app and motor configs the remote doesnt connect now lol

yeah actually figured it out but now it doesnt brake god damn

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There’s a setting for that in the app portion
Something like "current " needs to change to “current with brake” iirc

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I prefer

Control Mode: Current Hyst Reverse With Brake
Max ERPM for direction switch: 3500

Then you can double-tap backwards and it will reverse if you aren’t rolling fast

with those suggested current limits my esc cut out constantly ended up eating shit lol