Help - Having trouble pairing VX2 with FSESC 4.20

I’m setting up my board with a flipsky VX2 and VESC 4.20. The motor can be keyboard controlled in the VESC tool, but myy VX2 isn’t giving me anything. I switched the app to use UART. Has anyone run into this problem before and can help out? Thanks

Have you set a throttle mode?

App Settings > PPM > Control Type > ??

The VX2 isn’t a PPM remote, it uses UART, so changing PPM settings won’t get me anything

I found out that my remote/receiver were the v6 version. I read that just switching the TX and RX wires on the ESC connection can fix this (Flipsky VX2 Remote - #165 by ShutterShock) but I tried to no avail. Has anyone else run into this issue?

correct, but it can be changed over to PPM, hence i’m asking.

control type is currently off, what could it be set to?

oops, it was actually set to this

Let me clarify: It is a hardware change. You need to make physical changes on your receiver for it to use PWM.

Does it need a new receiver or is it a relatively simple change?

i believe it’s only removing wires or soldering new ones on. Not sure anymore.

so you have set “app to use” to UART. Swapped over RX and TX according to VESC spec.

Have you set the Remote itself to the FSESC/focbox setting?

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I just got it! I already switched the wires and set the remote to FOCBOX (presumably that’s v4, per flipsky). The baud rate was set to 9600 on the controller, but I changed it to 115200, and the motor spun up. Looks like it works now I suppose.


Yay! Good to hear.

I think when you select VESC 6 the only changes are the connector and the order that the pins are plugged in some VESC 6 have slightly different connector size

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I just had this issue. Here’s what’s going on, chances are you’re orange and green wires need to be swapped cause they are wired for the flipsky vesc 6. After you do this with something as simple as a push pin it’ll pair fine.

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