Do you normally take the clear heat shrink (at least that’s what I think it is) off, or keep it on?
Keep it on. A little extra protection from shorts 'n shit.
Make slices with a razor blade for access to the ports you need.
I’ve been running single drive for a while now and I had to add some small heat sinks to the fets, and I ended up adding a fan to the enclosure as well, and I still get thermal protection kicking in sometimes. I’m planning on switching to a dual drive here soon and I’ve been wondering what I will need to do to keep my vescs cool. I definitely want to get away from the active cooling because it means the enclosure is not sealed. Are most people finding that with a dual drive their vescs don’t even need heat sinks (meaning they are just leaving them in the heat shrink)? I know you can get a fancy cnc’ed case from flipsky, but is that overkill?
Is it motor temps or vesc temps that fault?
Get the right vescs and choose clever motor and batt settings. You shouldn’t get overheating issues than
My motors are unsensored so it’s definitely vesc temps.
Yeah, I know some of the newer vescs with the direct fets handle the heat better. I’ve already got two 4.12 vescs, so I guess what I am really asking is how I can I get the most out of what I’ve got. I’m running bldc btw.
Are there motor/battery settings other than just your max/mins that make a big difference?
The usual 4.12hw run ok with max 30-35A bat max setting. If you live in a hot area or the vescs are very much isolated that can influence that value for sure.
simple fix is to upgrade to hardware that isn’t obsolete
True, but there is also something awesome about finding a way to solve a problem without just throwing money at it. And yes, I am cheapskate…