Haero Bro model

Ive sent quite a few packages to the US with DHL, in some cases when I got the “origin is preparing shipment” after the frankfurt airport notification it took up to 3 weeks before I got any update on the tracking and it started moving in the US. This was before the pandemic and only happened 1 in 10 times.

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@Haeroboards let me know of any decks left to buy from this batch. Perhaps some cancelations with this current shipping nightmare… I can pick up locally!


Unfortunately not, but make sure to send a email trough with your address to make sure to not forget you :wink: third batch is in the making. As soon as they are with us you can pick it up mate

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Nope yours should be on its way. Most likely customs is overloaded


One of the lost parcel found its way back to us after plenty of phone calls. The lable was destroyed. Sorry it was not yours @Lee_Wright but I’ll call em again tomorrow to ask again about yours. :pray:


Some plans how long it takes to grab one from the 3. batch? :upside_down_face:

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OK @Haeroboards. Just to be clear, where do I send you my email address? I sent an email to you at info@haero.space three weeks ago with no response, but you replied here in less than 24 hours. So do you prefer a PM here?

I couldn’t find an active website for you, just a newsletter sign up at http://haero.space/. I had bookmarked
http://www.hero-boarding.de, but that’s offline, so just want to know the best way to ensure I don’t miss out on the next batch.

Is batch 3 coming before your attempt at an eSk8 version? What is your ETA on batch 3?

My haero board will have a underside enclosure to a not ruin that sweet topside with a fugly box between my legs. This will be the first enclosure I’m willing to buy from a professional vs 3D print my own to justify owning a 3D printer!


Loving the deck so far.
One thing I would like to see in the future, are narrower ends.
As it is, I can only use the longer wheelbase or I get clearance issues.


Not sure yet, but before Summer Holidays :pray:

No beacsue only email will make it into my system. I can awnser here quick between a sandwich and a coffee whenever I have 2 minutes spare time with my phone. But replying an email also means I need to safe your data in our system etc. This takes time on my laptop. I always do this block wise whenever I have time. Unfortunately I still need to go to work 100% so that’s still kind of my hobby so everything I do, I do in my spare time. Sometimes I have more spare time sometimes less. I do my best to awnser and proceed your orders asap. Promised! If I didn’t reply just mean that I did not find the time before. I am busy preparing stuff for a new prototype :wink: don’t worry we will reply :grin:
Sure at a time I need to think about cutting time off of my real job someday but that’s only possible if Haero will get me paid :wink: we are still not so far :wink:


Webshop is in the making but same here. Always when I find some minutes I work on it :wink: email is a 99,99% safe just a little slow reply atm


Yes it is, I still neew time for prototypeing and testing stuff. ETA is roughly said hopefully before Summer Holidays because we don’t want to make promises. It’s according many factors we have the power on

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We are testing the first bottom enclosures atm :wink:


That’s one of the things we want to implement into the e-version. Because gravity mountainboarders somehow find narrow tip/tails ugly. Maybe it’s because they want to be reminded of their Snowboards?! :thinking::wink:


Hello Phil, understood and sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I respect the quality product you are bringing to this industry and hope my future purchase gets you closer to working more on what you love instead of something else.

I knew some enclosures where being made, but I wasn’t aware you were involved in the process other than providing the boards. Are you considering to offer the eSk8 version in combo with a bottom enclosure and inserts already installed?! If so, I’ll send you my money now and happily wait.


Weird. I would never prioritize aesthetics over function.
Extra material in the ends of the board serves no purpose and makes it heavier.
I would expect low weight to be more important especially near the ends of the deck.

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I was involved in @BigBen s enclosure an plan to offer a set of decks including inserts an bottom cover. Top Cover is still under construction :construction:

Wanna be a test pilot?


Agreed, but it’s a personal thing :wink:

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