Ground Control | Stooge Gear | 40.5 Jet Killshot | Dual 6380 | 13s4p/6p 40T | Unity

Dude, you will not want to ride regular trucks after, these are amazing :pray: The 155ā€™s and 3link combo is perfect!

Thanks man! Do it! Then you can gear for a higher top speed without losing tons of torque :smiling_imp:

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I am crazy curious about the feel, Iā€™ve had narrow and wide TKPā€™s, narrow and wide split angle RKPā€™s, and all sort of channel truck with both spring and barrel/shock blocks. Only ever got up to 36.2mph as my fastest, mainly just hit 30 and back off for daily riding. Iā€™m very very interested to see how much I can push these bad boys.

I asked Brandon and he said they feel like nothing else. I believe him but whats your take? Is its like a split angle RKPā€™s or wide TKPā€™s at all? whats the biggest difference?


This is so true on so many levels. One or two miles on them and you are already used to them. Itā€™s hard to explain how they feel, itā€™s almost as if they tighten up the faster you go, but thatā€™s obviously not true :stuck_out_tongue:

I can do stand up 36 on these trucks while on my evo I had to go into a tuck. Itā€™s crazy.

Hmmā€¦ I havenā€™t ever run split angle RKP, but Iā€™ll try to describe it. At the loosest angle which I ride at now it feels carvier then Tkpā€™s that wobble at 35. I havenā€™t felt wobble on these yet and I can carve just a tiny bit worse then tkpā€™s, probably 6in worse turning radius wise. They are stable yet carvy is the best I can explain :rofl:

The way they turn. You can easily do full lean these trucks because leaning over you almost bypass the bushing rebound, but the second you want to come back up the rebound is back. Then at speed the bushing rebound is always there to keep you centered. Itā€™s hard to describe and you canā€™t really tell what I mean until you ride them.


all good info thanks man - I really canā€™t wait to try emm. he widened some superstars for me to stretch the 155ā€™s I feel blessed lol.


Ahaha, the widened tires have insane amounts of grip!


Iā€™m so hyped - never had a profile like this with rubber. only thane.

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You will love it :heart_eyes: Iā€™ll pm you, Iā€™m interested in what youā€™ve got planned for them!

Came back about 1/2 an hour ago from my favorite ride yet! Well sort of, almost got hit by 2 cars, I might have gotten it on video. Did some light grass riding which was super fun! Hereā€™s the metr log, video either later today or early tomorrow!

Hereā€™s the metr :smiley:


So jealous you get to ride that area. Lived in Manhattan Beach for a bit.


You learn something every day. I thought Manhattan Beach was a neighborhood next to Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York City.


Rollrasen! :joy:


@DEEIF hope you donā€™t mind, but I got a little too jealous of your build so I scrapped my entire truck setup and drivetrain for Moeā€™s :sweat_smile:


Thereā€™s a manhatten beach here in Brooklyn too.


Ahaha, you will love it man :love_you_gesture:t3: Outrunner s or inrunners? :smiley:

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Itā€™s a freaking dream to ride man :pray: Iā€™m trying to upload yesterdayā€™s video again, taking foreeeeverā€¦


Outrunners . Pretty much same thing as you with the Tb6380s :sweat_smile:

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You will love these :heart_eyes: My gearing is a tad high though, in reality I should have geared it one or two motor teeth down for more torque :rofl: Once this dang video uploads you can see my light grass riding, oh and almost getting hit by a car.


Okay after 12hā€™s of uploading YouTube finally let it happen :rofl: Here is the videoā€¦

@Jujo @BillGordon


If you watch the whole thing I do some off roading, almost get hit by a car, and thatā€™s it :rofl:


Now thatā€™s some esk8 asmr right there

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