Ground Control | Stooge Gear | 40.5 Jet Killshot | Dual 6380 | 13s4p/6p 40T | Unity

That thing was awesome, now I really have get the cnc running so I can make some money to build one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looking forward to see what you come up with!


It won’t be anywhere near as complex as yours, but hopefully it’ll be cool!

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Gets pretty complex before you know it haha. A lot of extra work did go into making it look stock though


@Titoxd1000 if you don’t make a build thread before tonight I’m rage quitting esk8


Haha no build thread I posted a picture of the frame on pictures only. It’s gear drive with skate electronics.



Sorry for slacking off the last couple weeks, I should have a race update for you guys on Monday!


God damn I’m lazy…

Well bad news guys. My lacrosse practices moved from Saturday to Sunday, meaning no more racing practice for me :pensive:

I didn’t think I’d be this sad of that happening, but intro to speed and riding/racing fast against people who I’ve come to know pretty well (@fessyfoo @MoeStooge @Titoxd1000 @computers @MarioChacon @Rubidium and the many others) has become a part of me.

Well, that’s all I’ve got to say, looks like my hopes of being a good rider/racer in 2021 are slowly slipping away… :v:t3:


@deeif you have to choose your fate

whose more important to you lacrosse or esk8

jk jk

bad luck loved seeing your thread after a race


Esk8 :man_shrugging: But I’m on my way to make Varsity as as sophomore in high school, and my team is ranked top 10 in the nation, so I can’t do that to them by quitting on them in the position we are in right now…

Just sucks, Esk8 is my passion, and racing even more.


good man. standing by your commitments.

maybe we can shift some events to a different day or something. hmm.


Yeah I get you
On a football/soccer Team but we suck eitherway so makes no difference

Good luck man

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Thanks fess, hopefully I can make it out to some group rides.

Hopefully! Guess I’ll just have to find a different way to practice racing, although it’ll be different without having people to chase and follow


Sounds like we need some more track days set up on Saturdays now.


Yes! Hopefully

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If they switch up some off the event to Saturday so you can continue to race would be cool… We support you either way!


Since I have nothing to add racing wise I’ll do a Deeifs plan for Q1/Q2 2021…
As some may know I bought @surfnacho’s CNC router ~ two months ago. I’ll finally have it up and running in the next week or two.

Whatcha gonna make dash?
Well I’m going to start by making X Plates. I’m working on some designs so if you’ve got suggestions drop them below! I also already have the design fully finished on a fancy lookin belt drive/mount setup. I’m still debating on adding crossbars or not, since I can’t find tubes with the inside threaded in the sizes I need.

Finally, I’m starting work on a Matrix 2 Gear drive. Will it be as cheap as everyone else’s? Not sure honestly, the gears I want to use are super high quality, but not cheap in the least bit. Steel on steel ofc @b264.

Everything made above will be made on a 3axis cnc in house, keeping costs low and profit minimal :joy:

Building Wise

So the thing I’m happiest about is that I’m going to be working on a true raceboard this year, will it be crazy? Yes. Will it be stupid? Of course, I mean I’m the one building it :joy: Is it something innovative? NO! (Sorry @b264)

Even though it’ll be something a little bit different, it is not innovative and none of the ideas on it will be 100% straight dumb DEEIF ideas, except for one. I don’t want to, and will not be taking credit for any of the things on that board, since it’s you guys who have made it possible.

I really can’t wait to finish the raceboard though, and I’ve got one cool idea to incorporate everyone whose helped me.

Numero dos
Emtb. During the summer we sometimes go to mammoth or Idaho, which means trees and trails. Plus I mean I can’t leave all the testing of the Deeif BDrive and Deeif GDrive up to third party people. I need to stand behind my own product :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The end

Well that’s all, feel free to ask questions or suggestions :man_shrugging:

OuO and special shoutout to @MoeStooge for fixing my v2 3links with in a week of them arriving at his place. I did a number on those… Some of the best CS I’ve ever experienced!


How did the v2 NKP break? What piece failed and in which manner?

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How rigid is the router base for cutting steel? :joy:


I wouldn’t even attempt to cut steel on it