GPS Tracker - What to buy? What works? Who Where & When! [SERIOUS]

I haven’t ordered anything as i was relying on @Anubis to do the deed, but since it’s radio silence from him… yeah.

I will likely order 2 for me and add to my order whoever wants to join for uk.
I guess i’ll do away with payment upfront and duties/shipping/tax split evenly, then ask/refund whatever difference it comes to


yeah sure count me in for 2
would be interested if there is a way to split the sim so i dont have to pay for like 3 dif contracts a month
(i only pay for data and messages no contract for the actual phone)


I’m buying like 10 :smiley:


You can just… pull that sim out? Then put yours in? Lol


16 left on the site. Where do i throw money at you?

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yeah but then my phone has no sim
need a way to get 2 sims on the same contract will contact my provider to see if i can

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same here @anubis will take 2 if you buy

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That is just not possible. Even smartwatches with sim cards need to use a different phone number (which is fucking retarded but hey)


ah shoot
you know any cheap providers in the uk
wasnt there one which offered a contract for £1 a month?

edit: lebara offers for 1.99 a month for 500mb of data and unlimited texts so that should work
or would this work?

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I had a smarty sim for a while for a 4g hotspot thingy, they go down to like £5 a month which i can reason with. Problem is they are piggybacking on another carrier’s network and that network will always prioritise it’s own clients first, so you rarely get decent internet, or barely any signal at peak times in london. Basically good luck pinging your stolen board around stratford between 16~19

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I wonder If pay as you go would work?


that was what i was just thinking, I don’t see why not. is the gps constantly pinging or does it only ping back if you ping it?

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It pings once when requested, the ping would be initialized by the text you send


yeah so if pay as you go works then it could cost virtually nothing

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On a network that allows to topup online/from another sim, that would work. Half of the uk carriers are 2 decades behind with technology unfortunately. (Cough cough Vodafone)

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is that a thing

i use bt which is using ee and it works fine all the time 4g at all times (non 5g phone)

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I had unlimited which would throttle after 1TB
I think i could use about half a gb before it throttled to 180-200kb/s (yes, kilobits, not kilobytes). I know it was throttled because restarting the router would reinstate the 2-3mb/s speed for about 2 minutes. Same behaviour in my phone too. Fuck smarty.
Now i’m directly at ee and a speed test alone consumes about 4-5gb lol

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ah wierd i get 8gb a month and i always get around 10-20mega bits per second which i believe is ok

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I think mine topped around 980mb/s. On average it’s closer to 70-80 anywhere which is decent for their most expensive plan. 3 years ago i couldn’t call from the middle of green park on virgin (yes, fuck virgin too)


wow ok so yours is quick
i never do much needing more then what i get though
my wifi gets 50-70 and phone max of 20 or 30

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