Got any ciggies? DIY build

Hello chaps,
Last year I built a DIY board, put about 400 miles on it, and then had to rebuild it, and it seems fitting to post it here.

Board is:
12s4p P42A made by @Skyart (BMS included)
Stormcore 100D+
Hoyt puck (initially flipsky VX2 but I swapped due to disconnection issues)
Propulsionboard’s (flipsky) 6374 190KVs
Propulsionboard’s (evolve clones) DKP trucks, motor mounts, bashguard+belt cover combo
Boundmotor land cruiser deck and 12s charger
Eovan RS125 wheels
Riptide KranK bushings and pivot cups
Dopegrip hexagons with padding (overrated tbh)
Zealous Ceramic bearings

Safety is also important so I’ll mention that I have:
TSG pass pro
Red and white helmet mounted shredlights
White and black Onsra armoured jacket
Flatland 3d fingerless pro gloves

jetwashing the empty deck

Soldering 4mm bullets to the 100D+

I bought all these parts and had the skateboard up and running in august of '22, which is when I took the skateboard out for the first time and promptly ate shit at 24mph. DKP + stock bushings + inexperienced rider. Who would have thought?
I used the board for my daily commute for a solid 6 months and put just over 400 miles on it. Then I had some issues with my stormcore 60D+ and bought a second hand 100D+ from artem, although with hindsight I would have been better off with a DV6.

This is by no means a groundbreaking build, but its my build and I like it, and that’s what DIY is about.


Oh yeah, I also want to add a massive Marlboro sticker to the bottom of the board, like they used to have in F1. I don’t particuarly like the brand, I just think it would look cool.




I’ve often thought that a decal of a racecar sponsor would look dope on aboard. Id probs go w marlboro too lol

Someone made a bunch of decks like that. My memory escapes me on whom…

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It was @brown5tick


Yes, that’s absolutely the person. Thanks


You should 3d print a ciggy case mounted to the tail end, get some spark trucks, sunglasses, and film a shot lighting one up while grinding a rail on this bad boy.

Hi again guys,
Can anyone give me a hand with the vesc programming? I’m trying to set up a puck and a 100D+, and I’ve done most of it, but reverse isn’t working.

That’s what my settings look like. Hyst reverse (whatever that means) kinda works, but it bypasses breaks and throws the board straight into 30mph backwards, which isn’t what I’m going for ofc.

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