Goofy or Regular?

I road like this for at first… then it just flipped to right hand remote. and I don’t know why.

I do switch between left and right hands sometimes, I’m quasi-ambidexterous which is nice but I usually go leftie for some reason…I guess so I have my forward arm free to catch myself?

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I don’t snowboard super well but I do flip between switch and goofy when I do. mostly to shift the fatigue on my legs. :slight_smile:

i used to try to push skate to work switch the whole way. it still doesn’t fell anywhere near as comfortable as goofy.

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now you remind me this is a major reason I forced my self to take some kind to learn switch after getting the leiftech.

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I tried really hard to switch remote to my dominate right hand. Can’t during real runs. I can shoot pistol and rifle ambidextrous and qualify, but that’s once a year, less now that I do what I do.

Gt2b callous.

(Wearing gloves earlier)


I don’t understand it either, but here I am.

Strongly right-handed, remote in the right hand, but with my right foot up front I can’t skate worth a fuck. My left foot does all the steering. My right foot just holds me up.


Glad it’s not only me that does this


You mastered my board xD

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I ride goofy and right-handed remote; but I’ve set a long-term goal of being comfortable riding switch. It feels so weird! I’ve been riding goofy since I was 6 lol.


Goofy is perfect for US roads or other drive-on-the-right countries.

I need to practice riding goofy more.


Goofy on kicking, regular on esk8 and snow. Thought I was an odd duck, nice to know it’s normal.

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I think dominant feet is a learned behavior early on.
I didn’t even give my kid a chance to choose on snow.
At 4y/o I had him ride right in front of me with my hands under his armpits to lift him when his edge control didn’t work. He may have found regular on his own, but with no muscle memory to begin with, I don’t think it mattered.
The kids that practice both right away(Shaun white), become almost fully ambidextrous with it. Wish I played with it more when young before fully dominant goofy took over.


So I know lots of boards dont have the ability to reverse on the remote but I love it. Helped me learned to ride switch. Plus it’s really nice to go backwards if I make the wrong turn!

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@Soho1212 same here :muscle:
We are just … special :rofl:

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I’m just a goofy guy. You know, Goofy… :laughing:

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@Latkes is the only freak riding regular left handed :face_vomiting:

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ride goofy, road is “weird country that drive on the left side” and remote in right hand :eyes:

so many wrong things at once maybe i should move to a country that drives on the right side lmao


haha I actually ride regular right-handed I just had a brain fart while answering

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I’m a regular in right-side driving country and riding on the left side. This way you can see cars on the right side that come from behind of you and cars on the left side that go directly to you, so at the moment you see the car in front of you and no cars in right lane, you change the lane to the right.

“Lmao, wtf are you doing” you may ask. Well, most of the time I ride on the 1-lane suburban highway at night when there is almost no cars

EDIT: This shit is complete derailing of Safety-labeled thread :man_facepalming:

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