GET A GRIP! DuckGripz eMTB handle from DBS



This will be the URL when they go live in exactly 7 hours. You know, assuming that I set up the scheduled release correctly. If not, i’ll fix it when I wake up :joy:


They’re live!

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They come with a TPU handle right?


Yep, all DuckGrips come with a TPU SoftGrip installed!

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Awesome! Bought uhh 3…


Greedy greedy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Might buy two more…

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Not sure if thats immoral though…

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You’re gonna make me cry



Ermm uhh done… please include two more duck cutouts in that as well lol

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I was late! But made it :raised_hands:


Is it possible to call dibs on one (ideally non-dick) for folks who answered the first poll? No worries if not, I just don’t get paid until tomorrow so I might miss it

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I’m really sorry, but I wasnt able to buy enough for this first batch to reserve any :cry:

If these sell out quickly then I will order more immediately :grin:

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Yeah understandable, no hard feelings. If there’s also any slow and cheaper shipping to Ireland that’d be great because it’s currently $26 on a $40 order :sweat_smile:

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Unfortunately USPS First Class International is the cheapest international shipping option I have found :confused:

$26 sounds kinda high for FC International though. Can you send me a pic of the shipping options it’s showing you?

Could just be the unprecedented times messing everything up again, but Ireland is generally a bit of a tough place to ship stuff to because small island, plus a lot of our stuff goes to the UK first and through to here so Brexit is making it even more tricky

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Yeah those are all the correct options :thinking:

You’re probably right about this. Sorry dude! Wish I had a better option to offer :confused:

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I’m thinking about making more of these, but the fact that I still have 6 dickducks left un-sold makes me question the actual demand for this product.

Are there any folks out there who want to buy one, but didnt because all that’s left are dickducks? Would you buy one if I got more non-dick ducks in stock?


They’re all just ashamed of their dicks!