Gauging interest flipsky 6374 motors group buy

had to reset the second poll to show who voted please go again anyone who already had

motors look like this and are their enhanced new motors

these are 90$ plus shipping from flipksy by themselves also can be done in 190kv

we need to get to 20pcs for the group buy

anyone interested

eu or US

Do you have a pic of the inside, to see the “battle hardening” job they did ?


Fair deal would be to state whats enhanced from previous versions. Only the battle hardening? If so, show dem nude motor pics


It’s been covered on a different thread a while back, magnets…

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Here are some nude pics^^ i don’t see any visible battle hardening :face_with_monocle:

I am up for 4 pcs. Ideally 2 170kv and 2 190kv, and if possible all in black. I am not a fan of this color scheme.

How long the shaft is? And what diameter?


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Sorry to say @Halbj613 but I think your are not the perfect guy to organise a groupbuy. I’m not saying this to offend you. But just on the things I read here on the forum. A group purchase gives you a responsibility.


whoops, or I am blind or you just edit this :see_no_evil:


As I said in the first post I will not be running the group buy rather i am just gauging interest

They say they will/have put epoxy between the magnets

Also they will have to be in this colour

I will see if I can get some of each kv

I will ask also exactly a list of all upgrades

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will they do what they say, and will they do it to your satisfaction? i worry they will half-ass it and put as lil epoxy as possible and call it done

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I have asked already to send pics

Will send a screenshot of what’s they have told me in a minute

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Here are the pics

did you attach the wrong screenshot? i don’t see any pictures of the epoxy on the inside of the rotor cans between the magnets


Nah waiting for a picture of that form them

He will send it today

There is a picture there of time saying that there will be epoxy in

that does nothing to allay my concerns that they’ll half-ass the battle hardening job

while i appreciate that they say they’ll do it, i worry they won’t do it to the extent or quality you’re expecting


Here is the pics they sent and they will send more soon

Also those are the enhancement

while that’s more epoxy than nothing, it’s not what would pass on this forum as battle hardened. they should have filled the gaps all the way to the open end of the can
not sure why they even bothered to do half the job without completing it


That gold ano is so out of place :cry: