Gaming GPUs for Esk8 parts | EU | Germany

Until you open it up and realise it’s constructed of threads and hope. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still the best commercially available option but that’s like winning the special Olympics


Only people hating on apple are those who can’t afford it. change my mind :joy:

p.s Louis Rossmann is a jammy cunt. all he does is bitch and moan all day. lol


Paralympics when talking about a brand like Flipsky

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no nice thumbwheel remotes out there
and i dont get the puck hype

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As opposed to all the amazing trigger remotes?


Tried all these remotes except the OSRR and Hoyt. all garbage. Mini remote £15 FTW. VX1 is the most overrated remote of all time.


Had four MacBook Pros from 2009 to 2015
Spent 2000€ (sold them again for same price but yeah)
Love the operating system, but everything else is just garbage.
Look how many 2015 MacBook there are with defective GPUs
Just the Apple Replacement Services for all of their design “mistakes” are evidence enough.
Was there a model without problems?

If Apple allows him to fry them :thinking:

Let’s shut this down…
Religion and Apple are two things where I turn into a feminist like fury. No good.

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Firefly nano brother


Either custom made or sold for like 200$ a piece

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I see a business for ya


You wouldn’t even pay €100, how will I ever sell ‘em for €200​:joy::joy: (no pun intended)


Talk to Jamie :slight_smile:
Thank me later

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@Niklas Didn’t know you were an Apple hater lol. I mean, some things are stupid as shit but that MacBook Pro 13” 2020 (High end) I just bought, mann better than any laptop I ever had. iPhone? Never any problems and have been using them for over 6 years. iPad? Same. Two iMacs here, one from 2011 and one from 2015, both still going strong.

Yeah, I know, I’m a lover.


If you like Apple I can’t hate them in front of you anymore :cry:
I was kind of happy with the MacBooks I had for short time… But the glossy display was meh! Sice 2012 they started taking the possibility for upgrades and repairs…
Thats basically what I dislike. The unfixability and unupgradeability of these things.
For workflow like programming etc, they’re just fabulous though!


Do whatever you want haha. With the iPhone people didn’t really hate, with the iMacs they said ‘Meh you just put that there on the (living room) table and never use it.’ Well, a lot of people really do that and only have it as a show off, but me and my mom use it daily.

Now here comes the MacBook, the part where everyone really started bitching on me, but they don’t know nor accept how amazing it is to work on that thing! I do really get that you don’t like the unfixability and unupgradability, and I agree, I mean I have a selfbuilt desktop (6700K, GTX 1080, 16GB, 512 NVMe SSD) that I can upgrade whenever I want and I like that.

But comparing the MacBook to a XPS or Spectre, the MacBook really wins it for me. It might not have a touchscreen, but that big trackpad and it’s gestures…

Also, I use it a lot for programming, I was surprised to like it more to program on my laptop than on my desktop. It’s just easier or something.


What a good taste of hobbies

Same, I feel like I type faster on laptop keyboards :slight_smile:

Sadly I have the habit to sell my laptops again after a month of use, because I buy them dirt cheap, and people buy for twice that…
Makes my wallet bigger but I always need to reinstall stuff and atm have no laptop and had 5 half a year ago lol.

Sold my last laptop about a Month ago and guess what:
6 pages of home extra exam thing you can do in germany on mathematics with algorithm - gone!
Task is the knight tours problem and the effect of taking tiles away / block them

Do you code in the Arduino IDE or special fancy software?

This thread is getting out of control

But nobody here is going to need GPUs anyway I guess


You got a 2070 super so something more useful then maybe haha.

Just to toss my coins in, MacBook keyboards give me carpel tunnel just from looking at them. Idk if my hands are just to big but I find myself using only 3 fingers just to alleviate the claustrophobia. Now ibm model M? That’s my jam. You get a keyboard and a small piece of real estate all in one go.
For context I code quite a bit for work. Verilog, vba, c, bit.of.perl if I feel for punishment


RX5700XT Pulse SE with ARGB


You’re trading that?