FW 5.3 is out! Vesc Tool 3.01

I had the same exact problem before and it was caused by a PWM wire that had a “signal” wire (typically the white one) that was broken inside the insulation and would periodically come apart for a moment.


A gt2b not moded

Mmmh i will take a look

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Similar experience as well, on my first trampa.


consider switching to a remote with a proper failsafe

I had the same problem on a remote with a proper failsafe, because the problem was in the wiring after the remote. The remote was working correctly.


Like which one ? Not a big choice with trigger


There exists 3d printed shells that make the puck into a trigger remote

Easier solution is to give thumb wheel a try


This is also biased advice because you work there :rofl: I don’t make any money from it, no matter which remote folks buy.

The only 3D printed shell I saw for that, looks like a pistol, and isn’t for sale anyway. In the USA I would never carry that even if it worked great, because it looks like a pistol. Also, not for sale.

In addition to that, things being used in the way they were primarily designed for often offers a better user experience, so given the choice between modifying something and using something else as intended, generally I would first try the thing whose design was created around an ergonomic finger control, and only then if that didn’t work, try modifying something else to have a better control.


At least it won’t send your board into traffic or disconnect

Also, your favorite remote was made to control a toy car, not a vehicle.


Then you haven’t seen this one:

It’s not for sale, but its fully open-source so anyone with a bit of determination can make one themselves. Heck, some enterprising go-getter could even make a bunch and sell them. The beauty of open-source.


Also someone’s gonna think the mini remote is a gun. I saw a video of a dude in Brazil getting surrounded by cops because they thought his remote was a gun

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My remote is a gun


That one looks a lot better. But it’s also not for sale. So :man_shrugging:

This is the exact reason I have been eager to find another one. So far, no better option has presented itself outside of a DIY solution, and I haven’t gotten around to that yet.

I am testing the Z.Mote at the moment.

Find me a trigger remote meant for electric skateboards with channel hopping and I’ll start recommending that.

No, you

This is what we want.

Also, you will likely be biased to recommend what your company sells :sweat_smile:


I don’t even use a puck on my daily, bro :joy:

I cant stand thumb remote with awful feeling and dont have a 3d printer so i stick to my gt2b, i live in europe with a différent culture and nobody think you have a gun on your board and shot you for free
I will change the wire from vesc to recepter as you recommend me and i’ll be fine


Dual/split trigger is best


Rock on. One of the fastest esk8 racers in the sport (redbeard) uses a full-size GT2B.

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