Fuse for dummies.

I’ve only had to change two fuses ever. And both times, it was WORTH IT. Trust me, any hassle you encounter while changing a fuse won’t be annoying at all. Because the whole time you’re thinking about how it could have been the battery or the building. If not for that tiny fuse popping before any fireworks had time to get their fuse lit.

Not really. Daly bms have such phenomenal protection that I don’t even run fuses on mine. I only fuse packs with LLT bms or that I sell. Like seriously, take a functional daly and try to break it by shorting it. You can’t.

Also I can’t imagine what you’re doing wrong if you are blowing multiple fuses.

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I haven’t blown a fuse in a long time, but the times I did I’m glad it was a fast switch, because it’s always before I wanted to ride


Imagine coming home drunk, walking in the door, dog licking your face, girlfriend has 1000 questions, you’re trying to plug in your skate while the dog is trying to lick your face and you’re about to fall over, the girlfriend wants your whole attention and you stick the door key in the charge port instead of the charger plug which is in your other hand.

Yeah, that was one of the times. :crazy_face:

Humans fuck up. It’s just what they do.

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I wish I had those issues :joy:

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This is very good to know. Did you try this personally?

Here’s everything wrong

  1. I don’t have beer

B. I don’t have a girlfriend

III. I don’t have a dog

  1. I don’t have a house for keys

And finally. Daly bms will immediately open the circuit and this wouldn’t even be an issue.


I’ve shorted my charge port on accident multiple times with a daly. Not even a spark

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In your use case, it sounds like you can skip the fuse LMAO

Surprised you didn’t write 0b100 for 4

It wasn’t actually a house, it was an apartment in a high rise.

Or binary. It’s 2am. Cut me some slack

Yes this is a joke. It’s probably not funny

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