FreeSK8 Mobile App - Public Beta Launch!

Have you recently flashed your ESC firmware?

We’ve seen a few instances where a recently flashed ESC has a corrupt MC.CONF which can cause it to hang here + firmware 5.1 on the Unity specifically has known canbus comms issues that were resolved in fw5.2.

What does your signal strength look like when you scan? The Unity BLE can be a bit lacking in range & the motor configuration request is a good sized data transfer.


This issue has been seen on 5.2 as well


Yeah, Unity support on firmware 5+ is still definitely in beta (firmware itself). Generally speaking if it’s hanging at this step, it’s because the app has requested the motor configuration and the ESC either timed out in response, is too far away, or has a corrupt mc.conf loaded. We’ve seen a few different issues with newly flashed ESCs too.

Probably a good time to mention that we use Telegram for live beta support! Join us here:


Happy to share that FreeSK8 Codex is now live and serving as the current and future home of all the technical documentation regarding the FreeSK8 Project and the supported hardware components that make up this open source PEV ecosystem.

Each successive product developed under the FreeSK8 banner will be added here so that you can get all your documentation, resources, and questions answered in one place.

Even though we’re just launching this free and open resource, you can already find the following FreeSK8 offerings here:

FreeSK8 Mobile

The FreeSK8 Mobile application is a cross platform solution to monitor and configure VESC based ESCs via Bluetooth. Learn all about it here.

FreeSK8 Robogotchi

The FreeSK8 Robogotchi is an advanced BLE Receiver, Datalogger, and core component of the FreeSK8 System.

The Robogotchi brings Always-On Logging as a core feature with an asynchronous logging integration with our FreeSK8 Mobile App. Think of it like a blackbox flight recorder for your esk8 or LEV.

Learn all about it here

FreeSK8 Remote (OSRR 1.0)

The OSRR (Open Source Reconfigurable Remote) is an open spec reference design for a robust remote control device for use with VESC-based PEVs.

Learn all about it here More info coming soon, check out our forum thread in the meantime.

FreeSK8 netBMS

A connected, intelligent battery charge monitor system. More info coming soon.


sk8net (with a lowercase 8) is a collection of online tools and connected services built to provide a useful data platform for personal electric vehicles.

This project is still in it’s early stages but we will be releasing more tools & services as they become available, ultimately launching a comprehensive site & toolset.

About the FreeSK8 Github project:

The Codex itself is open source, published under GPL v3 license. What this means is that anyone and everyone is free to use, modify, & contribute to this resource, with the following as a guide:

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change. Read more about becoming a contributor in our GitHub repo.


Omg it’s in the apple App Store :partying_face: I’m so pumped thank you @skate420 and @DerelictRobot
Thank you for making my life so much easier this is the best tech to come around in years
And if you guys don’t mind can we get that video of @SeanHacker Riding with the overlay OMG that’s so cool


You mean the overlay file you can generate from Robogotchi logs via ?

Agree @SeanHacker post it! :kissing_heart:


Which kind would work?

5.1 or newer

That’s one of the BT module that works fine on a 4.1x VESC based ESC and it comes all pre-wired and essentially plug and play.

It used to be $10, now it’s $26! FSuckers!


Jeez :sweat_smile:

geanted, the old $10 modules were a bit different, being HM-10 BLE modules

Flipsky definitely had $10 nrf51 based BT modules at one stage, when I bought them. The older Ackmaniac-era HM-10 BLE could be bought cheaper than that from the Arduino/Adafruit ecosystem.

But there’s always the alternative to make your own ones, solder the wires to a JST harness, and program them. That comes down to about $3 each, but it takes some time.

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@skate420 does Freesk8 have the ability to swap ‘profiles’ (or whatever we’d like to call it) for different batteries / same board?

Or is this a matter of manually going in and adjusting values each time?

I.e. adding a range extender pack, increased total capacity, increased max battery settings



Not to the extent of how metr does it.


it doesn’t but it also doesn’t take too long to change values


For changing batteries, is it only adjusting

  • Battery Current Max
  • Battery Current Max Regen
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i’m not at home rn, but if someone can’t get you the jnfo, i’ll send it if i find where the setting is when i get home later on today


Battery Capacity (Ah) is another one to change. Profiles sound useful for this use case. I like :+1:


That would be awesome!