Found this on the ground while repairing - safe to still skate?

Found this little thing on the ground while tightening motor clamps and mounting trucks- possible it dislodged? Or- is this random debris that may have been picked up on a prior ride?

Curious for your help- Coffee shot glass
For size comparison


Uh dude that.s a capacitor…they are supposed to be part of the ESC. Check the ESCs on your board, if one is missing that’s pretty problamatic


Hmm… the esc wasn’t open while this dismounted - the unity was in a closed box- should i take down the silicone and look?

The silicone housing on the unity is fairly strong- now I gotta find a diagram of the unity without covering to see if that’s what it is.

You are just looking for a circle on the ESC that has a white ring of silk screen and a pair of solder dots in the middle, it will probably be on one side so look for anything asymmetrical. Maybe it came off another board?


Nah it’s not on there.


Curious you just found that on the ground while doing basic mechanical maintenance. I think it might have come off something else; maybe from outside but yah check the pcb to be sure.

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Looks more like the capacitors on the flipsky duals.

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I have a flipsky dual… it’s tiny- nothing on the dual is this big- here it is for comparison

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Did you find this in the house or outside?
I highly doubt it’s from your esc… (and hope not)


Inside! It hit the ground as i was working on the board- I’m HOPING it came from being lodged into the board somehow and falling out during adjustments- but it looks so cleqn. Could It be from a motor?

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Looks like a spotty solder job wherever it is

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Motors don’t have capacitors… curious :sweat_smile:


Crazy glue it somewhere lol


In seriousness, think it’s ok if I try to skate? I have no idea where this thing came from…

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Doubt it’s from an esc. if it is, it’s a 6.3v 22uf. Maybe someone has diagrams with specs to verify?


Yeah I wouldn’t sweat this at all. Definitely not from the unity and other skate electronics would be unlikely to have a cap like this.

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,cheers guys- just want to be safe. Much much love from a brother from another


Ew no one says that anymore. Stop being old and go skate, cowabonga dude :+1: :sunglasses: