Forum Adjustments and Updates

I know you know and that’s too much

Roadmap future

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You can safely assume they are :grin:


Just janking on you :yum:


hey there are kids here! jank it elsewhere

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Click on their profile name when it pops up in the new screen and it works!

@longhairedboy, should we have a category visible only to members, so that we can have more fun posting personal pics and stuff and not be worried about google indexing them. A level 2 lounge I mean.

Threads like the following would be the perfect candidate for level 2 specific restriction.


@longhairedboy… yeah its a good idea to limit the access of lurkers who didn’t sign up, or we need something like aidsbook, that every single user in here could choose for themselves if they want to show their content and profile to the world outside. This would be more data security imo if we could decide. But don’t know if its possible and/or wanted by most of us. What do you think guts and guys?

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Umm, but the whole point is to provide ek8 related threads and info for anyone and everyone, even lurkers. Also deciding per post what should be shared(like facebook) is too complicated.

My point was to restrict access to personal pics and topics that is enjoyed by the community and is of no use to people outside.


I totally agree with you, that would limit perhaps the use for everyone else in here, too(lurkers don’t matter imo)
I AM OUT hahahaha
Pls ignore my last post @longhairedboy:pray:

Not to mention who gives a shit what people are PMing to each other.


even if we were badmouthing an admin, they still wouldn’t do that here.

:smirk: I see what you did there

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I am ignoring you :wink:


@longhairedboy I’m loving the dark/green theme (I call it ashy bowl) but I’ve noticed that hyperlinks don’t show up in a different color of text for me and are very hard to tell when someone has posted one.

just looks like ever so slightly more white text to me. Green links maybe please if possible?

With love,


@longhairedboy It would be really awesome if we could upload our videos directly to the forum instead of always using links for youtube shit. Is that possible? What do you girls n guys think about that idea?

I like the idea but I don’t like that it would mean Damon has to increase his storage to have the site download a copy for posting. I put that work on YouTube and link. Takes a bit longer but less headache for the site owner.


yeah, videos take a shit load more space. better just use youtube and let the google overlords pay for the bandwidth


what a shame, i don’t like to upload something on youtube:weary:

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Seems like donating has gotten uncool & gone down to a trickle, the last 100 users onboarded are kicking in about 10c each on average which is a little disappointing. It’s all welcome but it’s a big downward spike relatively.

I was going to post this in the lounge but that’s a locked down area and the frequenters are likely to already have kicked in where appropriate I hope.

We’re not talking about a lien on your income, literally a buck or two a month. About 1/4 cost of a monthly magazine…

If you reading this and you can afford to & haven’t donated and hang here, please consider donating, the need is still present; more money = better forum + extras, cool extras devised by trustworthy peoples.

If not please feel free to enjoy an awesome community forum gratis, we love your brokeass anyways.


I totally forgot I was slumming it in here like a cheap whore.


@longhairedboy has been nothing but cool all week long. Get out there and support his hard work!