Forget the grip use Glass Frit

I’m liking this medium opalescent.


Ok guys. Ive been working on fritting a kaly Xl deck.
I sanded it down, painted a few layers of transparent purple on it. Now ive got about 7 layers of Spar Urethane on it. Seems like im having to sand it more than normal. I’m sure it’s because of my foam brush. Has anyone tried using a roller or sprayer to apply the Spar? Seems like it would eliminate brush strokes?


There’s a thread out there with a decent explanation, but for the life of me I can not find it. I have skinned one deck and one enclosure, so Im far from an expert, but I’ll answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.

I skinned one side of my deck in cotton and the other in polyester. The poly definitely went down cleaner and easier. I imagine satin would be a great material. The cotton was very thin, but still too fiberous and soaks up way too much epoxy. You end up with a rough surface and have to put down many more coats over it to get a smooth finish. It also darkens a lot when its wet.


I just want to let you guys know foam rollers are a godsend to laying down multiple layers of Spar urethane.


Took it for a spin today to some disappointment. Two of the stickers have a different material and the polyurethane resin did not stick to it. Just a short ride tore all the glass frit off those areas but the rest is sticking well.


Anyone know where to buy clear glass frit in Australia or anywhere? I bought some clear medium 2-3mm and large 5-6mm frit but but my gf doesn’t like it that coarse. The company we bought our frit from does white cloudy fine frit but it’s not clear. It’s going over some one off water colour artwork. A couple of layers of resin has gone down well so far.

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There’s a mob called Blue Dog Glass in Mordialloc in Victoria. Pretty sure you can order online. They have a great range.

Follow up to the fix of this;

The two stickers where polyurethane sloughed off were cleaned, lightly sanded more, and fixed with 5 minute epoxy and more frit. It’s not perfect but it will do.

How do you guys keep debris out of drying compounds? There’s a couple brush hairs and dog hairs in this one I did inside, and anything I do outside ends up with bugs or what not sticking to it. Perhaps I need an enclosed box set up.


I do my epoxy work in my woodshop, which is probably not ideal (what with all the wood dust) but since no one every goes in there other than me, the air is pretty stale and so nothing really gets kicked up.

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Look what I got in the mail today… 5 mins after finding this thread. Might have to run it through the spice grinder. Bam!


Nice color! On that note…

US - anyone have an ounce of med blue frit available? Gonna do another deck soon but dont wanna buy a big bag if I dont need… Looking for like an artic blue, cobalt blue or open to other options. I have clear frit to trade as well if interested.

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My medium glass frit has been coming off more and more recently. Got my board finished in August and didn’t touch it at all over the winter even :confused:

Glad I chose finer frit on my other deck. Hopefully it will hold up better.


Did you use epoxy, or urethane? Do you remember which product you used?

Edit- just remembered this is a @Sender deck, so nevermind haha

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I’d give sender a call regarding that one @Venom121212

It rides fine still but I wasn’t expecting that quick of wear for a street board :man_shrugging:

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Shouldn’t ever wear off that easily :blush: that’s a problem with the person applying the frit. @Venom121212


@Venom121212 it needs more coats to lock in the frit. Ive noticed if I leave one of my frit decks out in the sun for a while, they’ll start to soften up a little and frit comes off easier


I have had a bird for 5 years that is my go to push board that has glass frit and it still hasn’t come off enough for me notice.

If you have a blank deck send it to me and I trick it out and use what I call the hybrid frit. It’s my 80 mesh and 30 mesh frit in one.


Post in the wanted section I’m sure someone has some.