FOR SALE: Acedeck Nomad N1 £1000 (UK-BRISTOL)

Well belts are old news now so, gear drives are the hot topic to look at

I have heard these reports too that the nomad is very hard to control in the highest setting, even for experienced users.

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in ECO or 2nd mode is already too harsh and when using the throttle even slowly it gets to speed very quick then nothing. As if it was made just to give that thrill and then you have a dead band after maybe 60%/70% throttle. I wouldn’t bother trying Sport if Eco is anything to go by.
All this could just be me being a newbie but i know the difference between this board and the other 3 boards i have tried including my new BC3. I mean, even my friend’s Lacroix The Barrel was very smooth and didn’t scare the shit out of me.

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My new builds are belt. I feel like gears still need another year to get some things worked out.

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me who’s been on steel-steel gear drives for 3 years


no interest for UK peeps? i put it on ebay and really would prefer not to have to deal with ebay. Price is negotiable, just want this box out of my sight forever as well as the brand. :unamused:

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could just vesc it and make your own curve lol

Hiya, is this still for sale?