FOCBOX Unity for sale

I have a Unity for sale. This has a bad anti spark in it meaning it does not turn off with the power button. Other than this the unity works good. I attached a short video of it in my raptor 2. This originally came out of a Raptor 2.1.

I believe you could use a loop key to turn it off or fix the anti spark.

Comes with a Bluetooth module and the power button.
$120 shipped in the US.

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Interested, PM sent

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Fuck fuck shit fuck. Of course this is sold it :clap::slightly_smiling_face:


Please remove @moderators

Guess I saw it too late, eh

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We suck man


I saw it too too late.

so… you guys are good now.


Thanks for hitting clean up man. @xsynatic close this thread so we can’t suck anymore.


I know someone that might be selling the same exact thing pretty soon

Is it you?

Nah a local came to me with some problems in his Kaly… I was in a hurry and couldn’t really help him but I’m pretty sure this is the issue…

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Well lemme know man. Not like I need one. Just never had one.