FocBox Tenka causing jerking/choppy acceleration?

Hi everyone. I had been using my FocBox Tenka for a few months without issues when one day it suddenly started to have jerking/choppy acceleration. Whenever I accelerate it isn’t smooth like it used to be, the braking is still mostly smooth, but it does sometimes take a bit longer to kick in.

Could this be a problem with the VESC, or is it perhaps the remote? I’m using a Flipsky VX1.

I checked the battery and all the cells still seem fine.

I also tried soldering an extra piece of wire to the receiver as an antenna, which did help quite a bit for one ride (out in the open just outside of my small hometown), but when riding in the city (where I had always been riding it to uni) it was unusable again due to the extremely uneven acceleration.

Any help or ideas would greatly be appreciated. I really hope it isn’t the VESC as I live in South Africa, and it’s really expensive to get parts here.

It’s either the sensor wires or phase wires come loose and don’t have a strong solder connection or male->female anymore.

Do you run sensored motors?

Does it happen at speed?

I’ve had this problem before mate and seen it with other people too, there’s a variety of things you’ve gotta try out

Yes I have sensored motors, and it happens at all speeds. Here is a video to show you what it looks like: VESC or Remote causing jerky acceleration? - YouTube

Can you run motor detection first? See what values it gives you and post a screenshot

Got another remote you can try? Had similar behavior and setup, switching to a new vx1 controller solved it. (Just paired a spare remote I had to the existing reciever)
Haven’t opened it up but Im guessing it was due to worn out/bad soldering. Your issues could ofcourse be due to something else…

open up the vx1 and check the solder joint on the pot, flipsky doesn’t have the best QC

(there is a screw under the sticker if u can’t open it)

there is also a potiential issue with the vx1 pot, since it doesn’t use hall effect, it can wear out internally. but we can get on with that later once u check other things

Thanks for the reply. Someone else on Reddit mentioned that the VX1 has an issue where the throttle wears out, and that pushing it down harder lets it make contact again. Lo and behold, upon trying that, it actually works! So glad that it was just the remote throttle and not my VESC

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Your welcome sir!