Flipsky VX4 remote

We are developing a new firmware that eliminates this, making the throttle linear in both directions. Should be backwards compatible with all puck hardware.


Don’t make me come over there and sex you duck man



cum over

Ive been running the vx4 in Mixed PPM mode for signal and UART for telemetry. Dont have a bad word to say about it! No deadband concerns, fully PPM configurable from vesc tool, and still get all the data i need from UART.

Never a fan of UART, always felt slow to respond, and deadbands a plenty that needed programming out.


@ShutterShock @Evwan

I’m also curious, I’ve had one sitting in a box to use for my Vanguard build… should I get something else?

buy a hoyt puck
istg i cant trust a single other goddamn remote. Just dont use the puck as a slide puck and it’ll be rock solid with an actual warranty on it

if you want telemetry, get a davega.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Davegas look sort of cumbersome… remote telemetry much preferred. Sucks to hear VX4s are failing, I thought they were supposed to be solid.


My first one worked fro ~350 miles of use, second one is at about ~400 and seems fine still.

@BigBen and apex have apparently had good luck with them too. Reality is, pots still aren’t as good as hall sensors, and apparently the one on GT2b is better than the ones in VX4s


Sad considering people own pucks for multiple years.

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It’s not failing, someone had a issue with something and it didn’t work out. I would suggest if people want to look at telemetry realtime get a Davega. Why strain to look at a remote screen anyway.

Idk what you’re talking about, the puck is always my first recommendation, previously followed by the vx4.

Puck is just boring bc it doesn’t have telemetry, also, the shape of the vx4 is more comfortable to me

I’m not mad about anything I just like telemetry

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Just scary to know people were being recommended remotes that disconnect over ones that don’t because it has a screen


…the connection on the vx4 has not been the problem?

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It has, this is just one example I was able to find quickly

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Okay? Am I expected to be on all of Facebook? Struggling to see what your point is here

I’m not actively recommending it anymore anyway because of the pot issue

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Most people your age are.


Facebook sucks, not as much as Twitter, but it’s still bad


ok but like

cant we really trust the story in general?

25 miles

and both the remote and board are at 85%?

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what pot issue?

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