Help, im building my first esk8, everything is working when im calibrating and testing through the vesc tool program. But when i connect my vx1 remote i cant control the motors, i push forward and nothing happens. Please help.
u tested using the keyboard arrow keys? did u set the control mode back to uart / ppm?
u r using the vx1 as uart or ppm remote? if ppm, did u do the ppm remote setup?
also, wrong thread, try this one:
Just to clarify, you did use the input wizard, yes?
Change control mode to current hyst reverse instead of off.
yes i did
i set up the vx1 using the input wizard and selecting the top one ppm like a guy in a video i watched said, wnt through everything and the controller connects to the receiver but wont control anything
Screenshots of settings plz
show us how u wire the remote receiver
please change ur control mode to uart only mode or uart + ppm, because u wired it as uart device
how do i do that, i saw a guy on youtube do it exactly like me and it worked. but ill try
well shit, its still not working
did u do it for both side just to be sure? and did u powercycle it at least once?
yes dith that, doesnt work
try the other port?
no luck
Tried swapping Tx and RX?