Flipsky is a bad actor, you probably shouldn't be giving them your money.

If @jack.luis can update my VX4 firmware on his PC, we could test my VX4 with his OSRR


Maytech HQ: Lets Fuckiiiin Goooooo!

You mean this noise @jack.luis ? (volume warning)


Flipsky FSESC 6.6 DUAL since 2019 : ZERO issue (NO LIMIT firmware) :

Flipsky FSESC 6.6 DUAL since 2018 : ZERO issue :

2x Flipsky FSESC 6.6 DUAL (AWD) since 2019 : ZERO issue :

2x Flipsky Mini FSESC 6.7 Pro since 2021 : ZERO issue :

Flipsky FSESC 6.6 Dual Mini since 2021 : ZERO issue :

Flipsky FSESC 6.6 Dual Mini since 2021: ZERO issue :

2x Flipsky Mini FSESC 6.7 Pro since 2023 : ZERO issue :

Flipsky FSESC 6.6 Dual Mini since 2023 : 1 issue : a capacitor blasted at third use (easily replaced)

I wasted my money with Flipsky!? Oh shit I didn’t know. :hugs:

Simple rules :

  • DON’T buy any ESC based on VESC4
  • DON’T buy any ESC with integrated antispark
  • DON’T buy any remote other than GT2B
  • DON’T try to find morality everywhere, or get used to disappointments :metal:

This is a pretty shitty outlook. Compromising on ethics is extremely problematic

1 Like

You’re right!
KEEP trying to find morality everywhere, BUT get used to disappointments :innocent:


But motors dont count, right?

So you’re giving them a pass because it’s convenient?

I’ve proven I did’t waste my money buying Flipsky proper ESCs.

Ethical concerns? Let’s enlarge the focus :

Yeah, because a small community can definitely have an impact there, we can solely take down the EV markets exploitation. But we shouldn’t deal with IP theft that’s within reach because it doesn’t benefit you. Got it.

1 Like

Im sure you can see the irony here.
This thread is full of uncomfortable truths with dashes of virtue signaling strewn about.
Those uncomfortable truths will be collectivly shoved deep once this thread is out of sight out of mind. Its what we do, and the cycle will continue

Which rounds back to this:

I feel that nothing will change until/unless the forum itself has a policy around the IP theft issue. From where i sit, IP theft in esk8 should have a zero tolerance in this forum. We have plenty of original developers who deserve our respect and support and a part of that should be protection around that issue.

Edit to include this post:


The forum is a drop in the ocean compared to the wider community.

Plus, to put policies in place, you’d need forum leaders that actually give at least two fifths of a fuck.

Yes, that chainsaw sound

Totally get that. Absolutely.

Every movement starts with a voice.


No issues here

Thanks. This is the answer to a question I’ve been stuck on for a while. I thought mine might just have been faulty. A tv remote in a sock would have better signal.


The second motor on this board to spontaneously cook itself… only the first on me though, i understand Apex kindly sorted the first one out with the builder.

Wheel still freely spins but puff the magic dragon… god of Flipsky smoke… lives in this can now. Irritated beyond measure that Flipsky got me again, so smugly happy that even with the added cost of a new set of radium motors plugged to plug onto it, the deck was still a fucking bargain… but yeah, fuck Flipsky and pretty much everything they doo doo


At least now it won’t sound like a battle between Thomas the tank engine, and Scruffy the tugboat.

I agree, i loved pretty much everything else with the board. The setups is so much fun. The area i feel that dont suit my style of riding (or lack of skill) is in the airs on the front and the Motors being the giant piles of crap they are… enter that space a Newbee front truck and some radium 6485 151kv for that extra bit of top end, not sure ill notice losing any torque at all.

Solid upgrades to an already sick board. I believe @glyphiks had been thinking along similar lines while it was still in his stable, i think im merely continuing the story for the board.