FLIPSKY FT85BD Customizable ESC

There is a new esc on the market, not a vesc, but is customizable. Thoughts? Experiences?

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Iā€™m a solid 95% sure the firmware under the hood is just vesc firmware based, theyā€™ve just changed the way everything interacts. Iā€™m just having a hard time believing theyā€™d go through so much effort to design the firmware with so many vesc comparable features when they would rather steal a BMS design from a college student than design their own.

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Your probably right, this video showing the process looks very similar to the vesc process

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my guess is they have an actual internal developer now, who probably made a lot of changes for automatic switching frequency detection, ā€œgearā€ modes that you can wire on a switch etc (low med high), horn and other things

they may simply not care about open sourcing the stuff for their VX remotes etc aswell, maybe it actually is something new but with pasted code from vesc, who knows really

i just think they stole most of Veddersā€™ stuff and modified it

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Iā€™ve got one in a board. Goes alright, definitely looks and acts the same as a vesc just uses their shitty looking version of vesctool.

I couldnā€™t get mine to program with the remote even though I upgraded the firmware but using the PC app was simple enough.

For the aud$160 I paid canā€™t knock it as it works with plenty of power and thereā€™s the option of running it at higher voltage than the 12s is running now.
Politics aside, it runs the same as any other vescā€¦for now.


I donā€™t really agree that there is plagiarism or stealing of VESCā€™s technology. Because if you understand the motor parameter detection and FOC operation principle, in fact these steps are indispensable, VESC just share these to the public to use. If you take a closer look at TIā€™s software and ESC Tool, in fact, these steps are also required. Excellent program, everyone is happy to go to the reference design. For VESC such a good program, there are related producers to reference is not surprising.

Wait so does it share a mounting pattern with the spintend or no?

$20 more gets you a 20s capable vesc based ESC tho

you mean this. Good point. I mean flipskyā€™s ESC offerings rarely seem highly coordinated across their lineup.

Looks very much like a ubox and with the horn/brake lights thing.

Update to my post earlier, I managed to get the programming working via remote, I just needed to run the bootloader update on the receiver. Pretty cool you can do it all via the remote.

The only con I have with it is the clunky reverse but itā€™s just me being fussy, other than that itā€™s not a bad esc.

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My project is an AWD scooter. Iā€™m replacing a 4.12 Dual ā€˜Based on VESCā€™ with an FT85BD. I was running the 4.12 on 12S, from what I understand this is not a good idea, and despite only using 80%of max current levels one of the phase wires on the slave ESC indicates a short. I have the components to fix, but not yet the time to repair, and it doesnā€™t solve issues with the 4.12. Nor the myriad of incompatible FWs, HWs, BLE Modules, and dashboard issues.

Personally, I find the VESC Tool a constant source of annoyance; it lacks complete documentation and the documentation is entirely too technical often explaining what a parameter is, but not how it affects the ESCs behaviour. Many parameters are not even applicable for numerous scenarios. Then their are the behavioural bugs; I have run motor detection countless times, but received different results on more than one occasion. Iā€™m using the Mac version primarily as its more convenient than dragging out an old Windows Laptop and fighting with the OpenGL issue the tool has. I have tried the Windows version of the VESC Tool, it is consistent with the Mac version in any case.

Regarding the hardware, there is most definitely a lot of similarities, many of the connections are a simple matter of plugging my existing cables into the provided adapter cables.

Iā€™m currently using ADC control, despite not having any documentation it was intuitive enough to figure out. The gearingā€¦not so much so. Why no documentation? Iā€™m sure an oversight on their part, but the latest version of their tool lacked the PDF file for it. I sent them an email to correct.

I am now using the documentation from v1.2, it seems well enough written, but does lack some important bits. The biggest being how to wire the gearing, leaving it unwired is not my intention as floating inputs are be avoided, but for bench testing and initial rides it should be okay. I may move to UART control, but Iā€™m not a fan of wireless control signals, so its more likely Iā€™ll just use the UART for output.

I plan to, but Iā€™ve not yet opened up the case to see the board looks like, and what kind of protective coating it hasā€¦Iā€™ll likely fully POT it anyway.

The software, FlipSky ESC Tool, is very very basic, but it works and motor detection went smoothly. Motors are quiet and plenty of torque and speed. Initial impressions are that they are performing much better than under the 4.12 bVESC.

The biggest issue I have with the FT85BD is the lack of documentation and supported hardware for a display. Flipsky has a remote with display their v1.4 looks quite good, but I am only interested in the display side of things, and it is not clear what does and does not work with the hardware. I am going to try using the BLE hardware from the 4.12 and the Android VESC Tool and see what I get. I suspect it will work in some fashion. This leads me to my questions.

Has anyone connected some sort of dashboard to the FT85BS or FT85BD? How did you connect it? What were the results?

Itā€™s not the same protocol. It wonā€™t work

Have you asked flipsky? I message them and find them pretty responsive to my questions.

I wrote to the manufacturer to provide a description of the protocol. The response was that they have no description for this new protocol. I connected a sniffer and monitored the data exchange between the Flipsky program and the controller. As a result, I wrote my own speed control code for the controller for ESP32 via the controllerā€™s UART interface. Itā€™s not a problem to write such code for Android as well. There is no need for that at the moment.


Hey! Can you share your findings?
I understand of esp32 and Arduino, can you tell me about the protocol?

Thank you so much in advance

Hi! Can you tell me about the protocol?
Thank you so much in advance

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ddid you found something? Please let me know, thanks.