Flipsky davega module and other davega options

You want to do the flipper lottery then go for it but buy cheap buy twice is are words to live by little man. Save your pennies and support the guy/guys that actually did the hard work.


Thanks guys for the help

Also thought that it might have been made by @janpom because they seem to outright call it a davega ripoff


DaveGa X is so worth it. Jan has a bit of a backlog so you have time to save up money lol.


Dude, really? He clearly meant “50 baboons.”


You should have seen it before he edited, it wasn’t even autocorrect mumbo jumbo :thinking:

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Do you know that song? The original german version is even better.
99 Luftballons
Back on topic.:jack_o_lantern:


I did design most of it. It’s open source. They just took my design, modified it and started making money on it without ever giving back.


@janpom am I the only one who would kill for a davega X watch


That’s probably not happening any time soon.

You can get Metr module though. The Metr app has smart watch support.


Is the “easy DIY” the same kit posted on your website or a more simple to complete DIY kit? If so, I’m interested and in the EU, so want to take advantage before the VAT spoiler.

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I’m just going to call all currency balloons now :+1:

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It’s similar, only the PCB will be pre-assembled. It’s mainly so that I can assert there’s no faulty component. Also if you get something wrong in that part it’s difficult to troubleshoot/fix.


@Halbj613 i know the struggle with money. at 16, either your parents have a bit of money or you save up. I personally save up because hahahaha Christmas just went by and i won’t be getting any money soon :rofl: :sweat_smile:
If you really want a Davega, the best option is to try and find little jobs around you like mowing the lawn, cleaning gutters, baby sitting (get someone more than 4yo because changing napies is not fun… never done it and don’t want to for now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
I understand at 15 you are still in school and free time is little, but try and get a few little jobs, then maybe contact @janpom and see if he can arrange something.
Don’t buy anything else, the davega is the only thing along with the metr that is has quality elementary data for your board.

Cheers :wink:


So don’t worry currently run a small eBay business selling Chinese junk and make decent money from it but still thinking about cheaper options cause if I can save I will

Also thanks for the suggestions everyone probably will save up and get a gen davega when I have the funds to supply it


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