Flipsky 75100 with alu, Burned chip.

Hey, Its taken me sometime to finally post onto this forum and I’m really badly looking for help.

What kind of chip is this and what can I replace it with. Don’t ask how it happened, Frankly I don’t even know myself.

You could try replacing it. Do you have another one to see if the chip has more numbers identifying it? I checked a broken VESC of mine but it didn’t happen to have something that looked right.

looks like a polyfuse to me. what does that connector go to?

it’s the power switch.


i checked online etc but it has only the letter S on it. It seems to me its a fuse aswell. I did some digging online and found a " similar " SMD fuse with the part id of " MC12CF 004 ". I have no idea if it’s compatible but i just need something that will make the powerbutton work so the flipsky powers on. THIS BURNING HAPPENED MID DRIVE BTW! it shut off and that was it. brand new controller, lasted 3 drives. sick!

hm. Could it a fuse for the LED part of the button I guess?

But why does the connector say Bat+? is there full pack voltage over that connector?

Yes, i think it is a power fuse of some sort, im not too sure. all i know is when it burnt itself out my vesc would literally barely power on and after abit the " fuse " was so smoked as seen right now that i needs replacement. lasted 3 rides

The flipsky antispark in my friends build uses pack voltage for the LED. I couldn’t believe it



But that goes to a push button?
What madman designed this?



I wouldn’t want full pack voltage where I poke my finger. Just sounds like a bad idea… but what do I know xD

Yeah, I mean you should think about LEDs in regards of power over anything else. Current and voltage doesn’t matter that much aslong as you keep within limits. But yeah, I wouldn’t power the LED with full voltage either…

@Player1 Get a SMD fuse for something like 100mA. should work just fine unless some trace has burned on that PCB. I think this is a pretty big designflaw on flipskys side tho. That button should be used to pull high/low, not swing the entire battery voltage. (if thats what it does)

Thank you so much Linsus!
I knew the forum would help me.
I have to agree, its a massive design flaw and this little issue ruined so many things for me.

Ya who knows

On the antispark I had it was 4 wires, gnd, signal?, 12v, and pack. Very weird

Do you have anything specific you would recommend? on the fuse behalf. part id ?or does it not really matter?

Hard to tell what size that is, but my guess is 0805 if the ones around it are 0603.

However I’m just guessing what that thing is for, I might be wrong. Anyone have a schematic of that thing?

Alright, well i’ll just send it and see what happens :smiley: