Flipsky 6384s thermal issues

I still am baffled how you managed such a low battery consumption rate on 20psi. Glad upping the pressure seems to have resolved it.


Lmao me neither. I actually went 25 miles that day before my board died. Crazy.

My tires are rated for 35psi. You think I can go any higher?

Are these closed can maytechs? I was experiencing thermal throttling on my 6374 Sealed Maytechs on hot days specifically. I just disconnected the heat sensor though. They’ve been running without issue

2x Flipsky 6384 190kV Battle Hardened - similar to Maytechs since they’re pretty sealed too

How low are you draining your batteries?

Ok I did drain it out to like a lil less than 3.1v per cell but just that one day lol

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don’t think this is true. thermal throttling is definitely still a thing.

@esk8god what drives are you running? I have these same motors and im also a big guy, but mine have been running well at 100A. however i do notice that my drives are sinking a lot of the heat from he motors. the heat buildup may be more about your drive choice than motor settings.

Also, Im finding that my esc thermal throttles before my motors do. worth checking if that’s the case for you.


Yeah my bad, I figured out yesterday I just lost my temperature sensor. Figured it was disabled in FW since the reading was -80C on every version i tried.

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Yeah I think these sealed can motors just tend to run hotter. @haggyboard.timo even shipped mine with a spare set of hall sensors that were already setup without the temp sensors attached even

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usually for me the vesc overheats way before the motor

i dont really agree with this. in my experience these new generation flipsky motors seem to run cooler than many other motors.


Oh really? My apologies if I wasn’t clear (or exactly on topic) but I was speaking from experience with my older sealed Maytech’s. I have been eyeing those battle hardened Flipsky’s though, maybe I make the switch.

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Issues solved :slight_smile: it was probably the 4.2 throttling because I put in a 6.6 and we’re chilling now

Also that dip at 6:47 you see is me eating shit and then contemplating life in the middle of a 6 way intersection