Flipsky 63100 alternatives

I haven’t tried them, but the cost of the other motors make my eyes water. Hence the recco.

Yeah I just want to make sure they produce the power I want!

Shameless plug incoming

I think these motors if you wanted 170kv would max your battery and controller and give you great power and efficiency

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If you want to just go crazy with it, ive got a set of SKP reacher 7490’s in 179kv I’m selling lol.

For how much?

I ordered the Apex 6384’s like 10 mins ago, but am curious about these…Ughh

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You on 4.5 ratio or the 5.0 one?

These came definitively take the abuse amp wise.

Most folks have been fine with the 6385 flipsky their pretty much the staple now a days.

@bboybowzer I got the 21 tooth pinions, so I think the ratio is more like 3.95

Dang with 9in might feel like a drag unless you went down to 140kv. We have a lot of hills here in seattle so I prioritize torque over speed.

I was debating whether to go with the Apex 6384 170kv or 140kv. I ordered the 170. Hopefully I won’t regret it.

I know very little about this motors. Fill me in!

And pricing?

Ive got the pair together for 450 instead of 360 apiece. Theyre massive motors, with a crapton of power potential and incredibly smooth power delivery. 10mm keyway shaft, standard mounting pattern.

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@Ac53n I’m interested, although I’m sure my current setup can’t utilize all that power. I wonder how theyd perform. I’d be fine running them and keeping them for future power upgrades that can utilize the power.

Why are you selling them?

Agreed. They updated the 60d+ specs to max 75 amps instead of the 80 advertised a year ago. Buttt… still a great controller, however my flipsky 6.6 dual the big version is rather capable imo

Switching to a different board, want smaller urethane setup and the 7490’s are super overkill for that haha.

Do they have standard mounting?

That’s just their rated warranty specs to counter us blowing them up all the time.


I also agree with that but 80 amps should be a standard or at least a good baseline

By should i mean “i want this” idk i believe the smaller motors are phasing out and even a 6374 can be purchased relatively cheap these days and are strong at 80 85 amps

Yep, fits on anything a standard 63xx motor mount pattern uses. It’s 74mm diameter, but still uses the same 44mm mounting pattern like the flipskys.

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Yeah I’m not sure those would fit on my setup. There’s only like 10mm between my current motors and the trucks