First post: 10s3p build charge problem

Tell him you’re gonna spread the news if he won’t answer :wink:

images (9)

Spill them beanz

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:point_up_2: You’d be doing the rest of us a big favor but letting us know


Instagram is diy6boards. If anyone knows how to get a hold of him let me know. I would like to keep it civil.

Haha you can tell he dropped off the earth because he went from weekly posts to 3 months of nothing

Well after a deep search online, he felt compelled to send it back to me repaired. Take what you like from this experience. Use PayPal! Get references!


I honestly believe that to be impossible. Show us the results? If he didn’t truly “repaired” it, I have a strong feeling he just shipped another pack to you. But knowing the problems with the first one, I’d highly recommend you buy heatshrink and as soon as you get it, open it. Your pack was Intensely unbalanced. Explosive at worst, shady at best.
This is what I expect from a good builder using all new 30q cells (and I’ve had them for over a year)

Did he build it with the batch he received in the April buy he made? Did he even think of checking each cell’s voltage and capacity before welding em together?