First DIY! LOOKING for criticism and opinions

Look so good you go numb?:wink:


the… rkp? tkp?

if those are RKP, they have the mounting pattern backwards in the model.
anyways, they look very cool, and i like the concept of hangers adding ride height.

edit: in the photo’s too. @whatsyourface, @domino61 ? youve got your mounting pattern backwards i think. does not instill confidence xD

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Lmaooo my bad :joy::joy:

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Yup. But really, they’d be better off being featured on yours or Mario’s YT channels.


I agree. I also agree that any product should be tested extensively before being placed on the market. Whether by the company or friends.

You beat me to it… I wrote something and as soon as I did I noticed it was changed. :joy:

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I’m getting tired of no one sending me free shit.

Do you people not realize how expensive my camera is?

Send. Me. Free. Merchandise.



You already got a shirt out of me. :joy: maybe I’ll send some truck lights when they are done. :joy::man_shrugging:

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After seeing so many products fail because of a critical design flaw, or products just not being durable I think most of us are just weary at this point. I’d never buy a product like a truck from someone that I’ve never heard from before.

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Yeah, that “give me free shit” half of that dynamic is tiring, but the “let trusted crash test dummies of the community vet these brand new half-baked products” side is as good as it gets. People are voluntarily willing to jump on brand new products from unknown sources and take them up to ~30mph in the pursuit of quality control. What’s not to love?

As a member of the community - fucking hard core
As a business owner - you cannot buy this level of honest feedback
As a customer - Never buy rev1. The quicker we get to rev 2-5 the better.


Thanks for the consideration, I’m sure I could do some good testing given enough time


It’s a double sided problem. Bad reviewers and bad results. Mario and I are working hard to provide great feedback to people. Reality is results take time

Yeeeep. It’s hard. Testing is hard. Results are hard, revisions are hard lol

This is how the whole testing thing started, but it seems it’s gotten to the point where people defo just want free stuff. I think in many cases, it would be awesome for people to take a new product, test it out, and RETURN IT. I may be testing a new product soon, and I’d be happy not to keep it in the end as it’s going to be swapped onto my board to replace an already existing setup anyways. I think that’s how it should be as it encourages people to test the product for a more selfless purpose.

It truly is. It seems like the whole TB130 debacle with the testers is likely a better approach as trusted members of the community were essentially first batch “buyers” (even if they didn’t buy it) and they got to test the product, showcase it, and discover critical issues such as rapid core delamination.

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Well yeah, this was inevitable. That’s up to the business owner / designer to not hand their shit out to every random 6 month old account that claims they’re a pro skater.


That’s why the Esk8 news testers group was started, trusted people to provide feedback

Back in the mmmmmaaaaaner days


derail jail with you all.
who makes skateboard parts and doesnt know which way the only standard thing goes?


Yup, good point.

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We design adjustable angles ranging from 11-55 degrees
As well as the angle of the base, the angle of the bracket is also adjustable

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Thanks for your appreciation. yes we designed in the RKP Truck. It should not be installed in reverse lol

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We are a factory in China, we are still doing the commissioning and design work of the electric skateboard, there is no finished product available on the market yet, and we are not associated with any brand.
Just hope to collect more professional players’ opinions, and then make some feasible products, thank you very much for giving us these suggestions! :grin: