First build...ever! (NYAKIM 1)

what excatly happeend here? during a charge cycle or ride?

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i arrived at work and put the board on charge, after about 5 mins the charger light started blinking red/green i unplugged it and powered the board on to check the battery level it was like 40%. i powered the board off and plugged the charger in…it started charging and went up to 95% 49.7v. after work i went on a ride around to try and get a good drain on it checking every mile or so. at one point the board did a weird power cutoff thing watching the metr pro app on my phone the battery level was all over the place 0,40,50,20,45,15… i made it home check battery level it said 40%. attempted a charge i got the red/green blinking…unplugged it immediately. checked the charger it measured 50.5. i then checked the batter at the xt60 and it measured 41.7v or 41.9v can’t remember. i them removed the rest of the enclosure and discovery what you see in the pic.

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Holy fuck. I feel so bad that this keeps happening to you man. I have no clue what the issue might be with the battery


this battery had problems from day one. could it have some bad cells from a bad batch of 18650s or something. my deck it 10ply i don’t think it’s flexing that much…could the enclosure be to tight?

Doubt that the enclosure is to tight. Are the serial connections made with nickel?

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yes i think so…i just realized, that’s the p group that was replaced so why that p group 2 times in a row?

top right is the one.


I was wondering if the series connections where nickel. Because from that pic it looks to me like the nickle got hot on a series connect and melted and burned the shrink wrap. I really hope there is more then 1 layer of nickel on that series connection.

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can i cut the pack open and have a look. is it safe to do that? i want to get a closer look at what’s going on here.

Forgot to ask: is is still inside your house?

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yes…should it not be?

It should not be.

Ya should be fine. I looked closer and it looks like where it burned up is not a serious connection since its the between cell 5th and 6ths cell and you have a 6p pack.

Fine to cut it open that is.

Outside that is.


it’s raining and i live in an apartment no place to put it outside without getting wet

Maybe your oven then idk


Have a grill?


no i don’t but after watching that video i think i’ll cut my losses and get rid of this thing.

Or like Mike said, keep it in the oven at least.