Fireproofing Enclosure

So, finished with my first board and it works well, but since I’m new to working with lipos, I’m still paranoid something crazy is going to happen. Currently, I keep it in my garage with the enclosure facing down into the concrete. The enclosure is hard 3D print, so I’m sure it would hold, but my anxiety doesn’t care about that. Later on, I want to add a fireproof bag around the battery, cutting a hole for velcro and wires to go through, along with lining the entire inside of the enclosure with another one of the bags, cut up to fit. Added to that, I want to add in a temperature monitor that would send messages to my phone whenever it reads certain temperatures, just so I know what’s happening with my batteries. I’m scared because my enclosure is made to not have to be removed to charge, so I can’t just keep my batteries inside an ammo box or anything. I was wondering if there is anything else I could do (possibly store the entire board in something while charging or storing) to keep it even safer? I can’t keep it in my garage since I’m going off to college soon, so I need something that could fit under a bed. Also, would keep the board outside be too bad for it? I live in California and was mostly thinking of keeping it outside at night while I can’t watch it, but if I kept it there at storage charge all day, would it be too bad? Lastly, is it bad to charge a board to full the day before you plan to use it, then “storing” it for that night so you don’t have to worry about it in the morning?

Sorry for long reading, but thanks for the help!

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My solution for that is pretty simple and cost effective.

Buy 1/2inch cement fiberboard from a hardware store and build a box out of it to fit your board. I made 2 versions of this, 1 as workbdnch shelf, and another as a full shelving unit. I also store my batteries i am selling in there. Small scale testing shows that it contains even the most violent flames, but leaks smoke. Its not perfect, but if something were to happen i would have a chance to safely deal with it.

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Another cheap option is to just buy cinderblocks and build a box out of them in your garage. The finished case can be used as a table. Just add a n acces panel of some sort. Even an old piece of drywall is highly flame resistant and would work for a 1 time fire proof door.

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While dirt_bags solutions are fine… if you wanted, there are fireproofing methods that commercial buildings use to protect steel, wood and yes even concrete to create fire rated walls that resist flame anywhere from 1-4 hours depending on need and thickness.

Look up in intumescent paint. Really really cool stuff. Probably the thinest solution. You could paint your board and enclosure in the stuff. Its probably expensive. Second would be a SFRM product which is cementicious and pretty thick coverage. But could be used in a indoor protection box.

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I keep my board in a steel locker in my garage

Is there any way that would work under a usual bed? Or something you could keep in the corner of the room? Since i’m going off to college, I won’t have access to a garage or a concrete room.

I am running lipos too (soon), and was thinking about to put them in lipo charging bags inside the battery enclosure. Of course, that doesn’t prevent a core melt down but it will give me another few secs to safe some parts.

also dont keep the board often fully charged overnight or just charge before your ride. In the first place the risk for a “blow up” or fire is much higher fully charged. Also its not good anyways for your lipos lifetime. If you have the lipos put in storage charge when not riding (about 3.7v per cell) as long nothing is shorting out or cutting / poking into the battery the risk is very low.

Buuut protection is always better for 100%. Theres a ton of power on our boards and you never know what happens while the ride. To keep the lipo at the correct voltages is important. Liion is a bit more easy to handle in that aspect.

This paint looks interesting. :thinking::thinking:

I’ve been using Lipo batteries since I was a kid (now I am a farting old dude…). My experience is:
1_ALLWAYS charge your bat with you checking and being close to do something in an event, because most of the danger is while charging.
2_ I ALLWAYS charge with BMS, I never charge another way. It is better to buy a great charger like Graumper
3_ I charge my batt with 1C sometimes 2C…this extended their life a lot…
4_Never let your batt go under 3.7, if that happens you should check closely the batt during the rest of its life
5_If your batt is puffed, discharge it completely and disposal under law statements of your country
6_Check your balance wires, do not pull them, or do something that could cause an event
7_If you want to charge it without being able to be there, do its outside, away of everything, you could use cement bridges to build a box, etc…
8_ Lipo are safe if you play safe…Secure them to your board…
9_I use store mode if not using for a long time, I do not mind if doing so for few days and weeks sometimes…
10_What enough time to let them recover before charging again
11_Avoid water…

If fire starts, you would not being able to do much…Unless you have sand, a lot, close tu you…(I do not have that)

Said that…you might grow farting old like me…and keep farting for much longer…

My battery has 8Ah, but my charger only seems to go up to 6 amps, so I can never even get to charging it at 1C. Even if I could the charger seems to get really warm while doing even 3-4 amps, so I would be cautious doing that. Is there a way to see if there is a limit on the charger, because I don’t often have too much time in the morning to charge before going out for the day (I ride my board to my work in the mornings).

Would it be safer just to charge outside on concrete and away from the house, so I can leave it charging while getting ready?

Does anyone here keep a fire extinguisher handy while charging? I’ve seen some miniature ones around, they look almost like small aerosol spray cans, or even smaller “stick” ones. Seems like a good thing to have on hand, or even take with you when you ride.